The solution I found was to increase the recursion limit: I did 


It was enough for this.
On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 7:51:42 AM UTC-4 Luis Finotti wrote:

> I produced a very large text file (139MB) containing some input for Sage.
> The problem is that when I try to load it, I get:
> sage: load('matp11n2.sage') 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> RecursionError                            Traceback (most recent call 
> last) 
> <ipython-input-2-92a91ed98544> in <module> 
> ----> 1 load('matp11n2.sage') 
> ~/src/sage-9.2/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/misc/persist.pyx in 
> sage.misc.persist.load 
> (build/cythonized/sage/misc/persis
> t.c:2558)() 
>    141 
>    142     if sage.repl.load.is_loadable_filename(filename): 
> --> 143         sage.repl.load.load(filename, globals()) 
>    144         return 
>    145 
> ~/src/sage-9.2/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/repl/ in 
> load(filename, 
> globals, attach) 
>    270                 add_attached_file(fpath) 
>    271             with open(fpath) as f: 
> --> 272                 exec(preparse_file( + "\n", globals) 
>    273     elif ext == '.spyx' or ext == '.pyx': 
>    274         if attach: 
> RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation
> Any ideas on how I could load such file?

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