How are you manually entering the `Ciphertext` for decryption?

Ciphertext, cipher = ['㓔', '\U000107ee', '퇫', '뺸']

On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 10:10:58 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> ''' I have the RSA code,  code works when we give input to encryption and 
> take decryption output (plaintext and output are same),  but when we 
> encrypt plaintext separately and take its output and give it to decryption 
> code as input separately, the output,  is not the same as encryption input 
> (plaintext and output are not same). Can someone please explain why is this 
> happening? '''
> # code begins
> import sympy
> from datetime import datetime
> from sage.all import ZZ, GF
> start_time =
> print("RSA Encryption and Decryption")
> print("Values of 'p' AND 'q' are as follows:")
> p = sympy.randprime(2, 100)               #Input Prime Number
> print ("p = ", p)
> q = sympy.randprime(2, 100)               #Input Prime Number
> print ("q = ", q)
> s = sympy.randprime(2, 100)               #Input Prime Number
> print ("s = ", s)
> n = p * q * s
> print("")
> print ("RSA Modulus,n = ",n)           #RSA Modulus
> r = (p-1)*(q-1)*(s-1)                         #Eulers Toitent
> e = ZZ.random_element(r)
> while gcd(e, r) != 1:                 #GCD
>     e = ZZ.random_element(r)          #e Value Calculation
> print("")
> print ("Public Key = ", e)
> bezout = xgcd(e, r);
> d = Integer(mod(bezout[1], r));       #d, Private Key
> print("")
> print ("d =", d)
> print("")
> text = 'samu'
> print("")
> print ("Message, m = ", text)
> m = [ord(c) for c in text]
> c = [power_mod(i, e, n) for i in m]    #Encryption
> print(c)
> cipher = [chr(a) for a in c]
> print ("Ciphertext, cipher =", cipher)
> print('')
> '''
> cipher = input("Enter Cipher text to be decrypted")   #cipher input
> print('Cipher text to be decrypted :', cipher) '''
> c = [ord(a) for a in cipher]    #conversion of cipher text to the list of 
> ascii values c
> print('c =',c)
> d = [power_mod(j, d, n) for j in c]    #Decryption
> print('d =',d)
> characters = [chr(ascii) for ascii in d]
> print("")
> print ("Decrypted text, d = ", ''.join(characters))
> print("")
> print ("Plaintext/ Message,  m = ", text)
> print ("Decrypted Message,   d = ", ''.join(characters))
> if(text == ''.join(characters)):
>     print ("Thus we encrypted and decrypted text using RSA algorithm")
> else:
>     print("Not sucessfull")
> end_time =
> print('Time taken for execution of the program: {} '.format(end_time - 
> start_time))
> # code ends

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