
You should upgrade to at least SageMath 9.2, where this bug has been fixed; 
cf. my answer on asksagemath: 

Le lundi 23 août 2021 à 10:43:26 UTC+2, Jákup a écrit :

> I'm using the Jupyter notebook, and the "download as .tex" option works 
> great for me.
> The only problem is, I want the output to be rendered.
> Inside the notebook, I have '%display latex' set, so all output is 
> rendered in latex. However to my great surprise, when I export the 
> worksheet into a .tex file, the output boxes revert to normal unformatted 
> text.
> Is there a way to make the latex formatting of outputs "survive" when 
> saving it as a LaTeX document?
> I'm not afraid of writing the LaTeX myself, but this workflow needs to 
> work for exams, where time is a factor.
> Thanks for your help
> SageMath version 9.0, Release Date: 2020-01-01                     │
> │ Using Python 3.8.10.
> Running Linux.
> Here are pictures of how it looks in my notebook, and in the exported 
> LaTeX:
> [image: 2021-08-23_10-33.png][image: latex.png]

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