
The function shortest_simple_paths returns an iterator with paths sorted
by increasing length. Therefore if you only want paths of minimum
length, you can iterate over the result of shortest_simple_paths and
stop as soon as you encounter a longer path. That way you do not iterate
over all the (possibly many) irrelevant longer paths and, depending on
how shortest_simple_paths is implemented, you might even avoid to
compute them.

Something like that:

def shortest_paths_really(G, u, v):
    """Return all the shortest simple paths between u and v"""

    uv_paths = G.shortest_simple_paths(u, v)
    first_path = next(uv_paths) # a shortest path
    dist = len(first_path)
    yield first_path
    for path in uv_paths:
        if len(path) > dist:
            # no need to go further: paths are too long for now on
        yield path

It is not obvious that doing so is much faster than your solution: it
depends on the implementation of shortest_simple_paths, which I did not
You can convince yourself that it saves some time at least by looking at
a graph where two vertices have few shortest paths and many longer paths
connecting them. For instance in graphs.CircularLadderGraph(n) there are
only two shortest paths connecting vertices 1 and n but exponentially
many of longer length.

sage: n = 10
sage: G = graphs.CircularLadderGraph(n)
sage: u, v = 1, n
sage: %timeit list(shortest_paths_really(G, u, v))
35.9 µs ± 159 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
sage: %timeit list(filter(lambda x: len(x) ==  1+G.distance(u, v),
G.shortest_simple_paths(u, v)))
66.6 ms ± 180 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)


Le 24/08/2021 à 01:39, Beth Claire a écrit :
> Hi,
> Given an undirected graph G, and two vertices u and v of G, I want to list 
> all paths from u to v with a length of d_G(u,v).  The built-in function 
> shortest_simple_paths 
> <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/graphs/sage/graphs/generic_graph.html#sage.graphs.generic_graph.GenericGraph.shortest_simple_paths>,
> despite its name, seems to list *all* simple paths from u to v.  One option 
> is to filter the output of shortest_simple_paths by length, e.g.
> list(filter(lambda x: len(x)== 
> 1+G.distance(u,v)),G.shortest_simple_paths(u,v)))
> However, this is extremely inefficient, since it tells sage to generate all 
> simple paths and then discards most of them.  Is there a better way to get 
> this information?
> Thanks,
> Beth

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