Hi Max,

On 2021-09-08, Max Alekseyev <max...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've found a couple of issues with differentiation in InfinitePolynomialRing
> (ISSUE #1) Differentiation fails in InfinitePolynomialRing(QQ), e.g. the 
> following code
> R.<x> = InfinitePolynomialRing(QQ)
> f = x[0] + x[1]
> derivative(f,x[1])
> gives an error
> TypeError: Argument 'var' has incorrect type (expected 
> sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular.MPolynomial_libsingular, 
> got InfinitePolynomial_dense)

Sure, that's not supposed to work. InfinitePolynomialRing knows nothing
about symbolic calculus. That would be the job of symbolic expressions.

> However, if we replace QQ with something more sophisticated, 
> differentiation starts suddenly work:
> K.<u> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
> R.<x> = InfinitePolynomialRing(K)
> f = x[0] + x[1]
> derivative(f,x[1])
> gives 1 as expected.

Interesting. That's not supposed to work either.

A possible explanation: InfinitePolynomialRing uses a *finite*
polynomial ring under the hood, which is extended when a generator
is requested with a higher index.

If I recall correctly, methods that aren't explicitly implemented for
elements of InfinitePolynomialRing are forwarded to the underlying finite
polynomials. That could explain why it works at all. But I don't know
why it only works if the base ring is a polynomial ring.

> (ISSUE #2) Slightly modifying the second example above:
> K.<u> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
> R.<x> = InfinitePolynomialRing(K)
> f = x[0] + x[1]
> derivative(f,x[2])
> we get an error
> ValueError: cannot differentiate with respect to x_2
> However, if we try to execute the same 'derivative(f,x[2])' command again 
> in the same Sage session, it will succeed.

> So, it appears that if we differentiate with respect to a new variable, 
> which was not accessed before, then differentiation would fail. I hope this 
> is not an intended behavior and can be easily fixed.

When you create f, then it is implemented based on a ring with two variables
x0 and x1. Thus, a method of an element of K['x0','x1'] is called, on
x[2], which K['x0','x1'] doesn't know about. But by calling x[2], the
underlying finite ring in the meantime is extended to K['x0', 'x1',
'x2'], thus, when you try to differentiate a second time, it is done in
a ring in which x2 is known.

At least that's my guess.

As I said, differentiation is not supposed to work. But I (as original
author) don't fully understand *why* it sometimes works and how to fix
that (by "fix", I mean "make it not work and, in the best case, suggest
to convert to a symbolic expression").

InfinitePolynomialRing was created for a very narrow purpose, namely
computing symmetric Gröbner bases. In particular, calculus was not in
the scope. If someone wants to extend its functionality, I wouldn't
mind though.

Best regards,

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