I am trying to solve some first order linear odes
     dy/dt = A(t) y
where y is an N vector and A(t) an NxN matrix with real entries.  N varies.

I need arbitrary precision arithmetic, so I'm trying to use
     sage.calculus.desolvers.desolve_tides_mpfr(f, ics, initial, final, 
delta, tolrel=1e-16,
tolabs=1e-16, digits=50)

desolve_tides_mpfr() requires the ode to be described by f which is a 
symbolic function f(t,y_1,...,y_N) of N+1 variables which returns a list of 
derivatives [dy_1/dt, ..., dy_N/dt]

My problem is that N varies.  I can write a symbolic expression of the form
      f(t,y) = A(t)*y
with two arguments, t a real number and y a vector, returning a vector.

But that is not acceptable to desolve_tides_mpfr().

Is there any way of avoiding writing a separate  f for each value of N?  
    f(x,y_1,y_2) = list(A(t)*vector[y_1,y_2]))

Daniel Friedan

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