2022-01-17 02:39:56 UTC, Kwankyu:
> After blizzard is gone,
> from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes import *
> P = Graphics()
> P += Sphere(.5, color='white')
> P += Sphere(1, color='white').translate(0,0,-1.2)
> P += Sphere(1.5, color='white').translate(0,0,-2.5)
> P += Sphere(.1, color='white').translate(.45,-.1,.15) + Sphere(.05, 
> P += Sphere(.1, color='white').translate(.45, .1,.15) + Sphere(.05, 
color='black').translate(.51, .1,.17)
> P += Cone(.1,.5, color='orange').rotateX(0).rotateY(-pi/2).translate(.3, 
0, 0)
> P.show()
> Exercise: add arms to the snowman.

Nice one. Here's my snowie (also missing arms).

from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes import Cone, Sphere

r_bot = 3
r_mid = 2.25
r_top = 1.75

z_bot = r_bot
z_mid = z_bot + r_bot + 1/2 * r_mid
z_top = z_mid + r_mid + 1/2 * r_top

# scale factors to shrink spheres along one axis

s_body = 3/4  # vertical scale for body
s_btns = 1/4  # horizontal scale for buttons
s_eyes = 3/4  # horizontal scale for eyes

z_bot_s = s_body * z_bot
z_mid_s = s_body * z_mid
z_top_s = s_body * z_top

nose_length = 3/2*r_top

r_button = 1/4
r_nose = 1/4
r_eye = 1/8

body_color = 'white'
button_color = 'red'
eye_color = 'black'
nose_color = 'orange'

body_bot = sphere((0, 0, z_bot), r_bot, color=body_color)
body_mid = sphere((0, 0, z_mid), r_mid, color=body_color)
body_top = sphere((0, 0, z_top), r_top, color=body_color)
body = (body_bot + body_mid + body_top).scale(1, 1, s_body)

button = Sphere(r_button, color=button_color).scale(s_btns, 1, 1)
button_bot = button.translate(r_bot, 0, z_bot_s)
button_mid = button.translate(r_mid, 0, z_mid_s)
buttons = button_bot + button_mid

eye_angle = pi/10
eye = Sphere(r_eye, color=eye_color).scale(s_eyes, 1, 1)
eye = eye.translate((r_top, 0, z_top_s))
eyes = sum(eye.rotateZ(t) for t in (-eye_angle, eye_angle))

nose = Cone(r_nose, nose_length, color=nose_color)
nose = nose.rotateY(-9/8*pi/2).translate(0, 0, z_top_s)

parts = [body, buttons, eyes, nose]
snowie = sum(parts)

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