Is there any space to improve the computation of MPFR which is used by 

John H Palmieri 在 2023年1月6日 星期五凌晨3:01:37 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:

> One way to speed it up might be to work with RDF or QQ or RLF. The 
> documentation for the generic determinant method says, "Note that for 
> matrices over most rings, more sophisticated algorithms can be used." 
> sage: %time ones_matrix(RDF, 600, 600).determinant()
> CPU times: user 78.6 ms, sys: 7.6 ms, total: 86.2 ms
> Wall time: 77.9 ms
> 0.0
> sage: %time ones_matrix(QQ, 600, 600).determinant()
> CPU times: user 280 ms, sys: 36.3 ms, total: 317 ms
> Wall time: 325 ms
> 0
> sage: %time ones_matrix(RLF, 600, 600).determinant()
> CPU times: user 32.7 s, sys: 183 ms, total: 32.9 s
> Wall time: 40.3 s
> 0
> On Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 1:26:12 AM UTC-8 wrote:
>> I am doing a numerical analysis which needs to calculate many 
>> determinants of "huge" dense matrices. The sizes of the matrix are less 
>> than 100*100.
>> I found the computation of the determinant is quite slow with 
>> Matrix_generic_dense. I followed the method on What is the time 
>> complexity of numpy.linalg.det? 
>> <>
>> and made minor modifications to the script to benchmark for Sagemath.
>> 1. np.arange(1,10001, 100) => np.arange(1, 292, 10) because the speed is 
>> too slow, I have to reduce the testing range to make the script finish 
>> within a reasonable time.
>> 2. np.ones((size, size))  => ones_matrix(RR, size, size)
>> 3. timeit('np.linalg.det(A)', globals={'np':np, 'A':A}, number=1) => 
>> timeit('A.det(algorithm="df")', globals={'A': A}, number=1)
>> Here is the full script I used.
>> from timeit import timeit
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>> import numpy as np
>> from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RR
>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
>> from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
>> sizes = np.arange(1, 292, 10)
>> times = []
>> for size in sizes:
>>     A = ones_matrix(RR, size, size)
>>     time = timeit('A.det(algorithm="df")', globals={'A': A}, number=1)
>>     times.append(time)
>>     print(size, time)
>> sizes = sizes.reshape(-1, 1)
>> times = np.array(times).reshape(-1, 1)
>> quad_sizes = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2).fit_transform(sizes)
>> quad_times = LinearRegression().fit(quad_sizes, times).predict(quad_sizes)
>> cubic_sizes = PolynomialFeatures(degree=3).fit_transform(sizes)
>> cubic_times = LinearRegression().fit(cubic_sizes, 
>> times).predict(cubic_sizes)
>> quartic_sizes = PolynomialFeatures(degree=4).fit_transform(sizes)
>> quartic_times = LinearRegression().fit(quartic_sizes,
>>                                        times).predict(quartic_sizes)
>> plt.scatter(sizes, times, label='Data', color='k', alpha=0.5)
>> plt.plot(sizes, quad_times, label='Quadratic', color='r')
>> plt.plot(sizes, cubic_times, label='Cubic', color='g')
>> plt.plot(sizes, quartic_times, label='Quartic', color='b')
>> plt.xlabel('Matrix Dimension n')
>> plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)')
>> plt.legend()
>> This is the time complexity diagram on the linked post. The data from the 
>> testing with Numpy. It only took about 20 seconds to calculate a 
>> 10000*10000 matrix.
>> [image: numpy.png]This is the testing with matrix(RR) with the df 
>> algorithm.
>> [image: df.png]
>> I also tested with the "hessenberg" algorithm which got worse.
>> [image: df.png]
>> Compared to Numpy, Sagemath spent 800 seconds calculating a 300*300 
>> matrix. It seems that Sagemath still runs the algorithm under O(n^3) (the 
>> curves of the cubic model and the quartic model overlap) but with a large 
>> constant. Why Sagemath is so slow? Is it possible to speed up?

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