I am trying to convert "complex_root_of" expressions to algebraic numbers 
(elements in the field QQbar).  However, I get a "ValueError" with the 
message "to many values to unpack".

A minimal example would be:

from sage.all import *
from sympy import sympify

exp1 = sympify("CRootOf(x**2 + 1, 0)")._sage_()
exp2 = sympify("CRootOf(x**2 + 1, 1)")._sage_()
exp1 = QQbar(exp1)
exp2 = QQbar(exp2)

The context I am working in is: I have a tool that is currently written in 
python and sympy. I am trying to use the output of that tool to do some 
further computation using sage, and the output of the first tool may 
contain CRootOf expressions.

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