Here some stuff founded on the newsgroup thanks for 
reading, arigato

Stéphane Dumas

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doctor Xadium" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: Suburban Senshi IRC Log in Memoriam of Pluto's Planetary Passing

> Making a rare reappearance on USENET it's Suburban Senshi!
> This Suburban Senshi IRC log is a special, sensitive reflection on the
> end of Meioh Setuna's Career as a Sailor Senshi thanks to the IAU.
> It was written for USENET first and the blog
> last, to commemorate the 4th anniversary of Sub. Senshi last
> month (ironically on the same day that Pluto was demoted) and
> the fact that the suburban senshi fics started out by being posted
> here to AFSM. This fic is rated PG-13 and is not safe for Brain.
> -Dr. Xadium
> Heh, word wrap plays a little havoc with the log but oh well. Enjoy!
> [11:28] *** Wed Sep 13 2006 - Now talking in #suburbansenshi ***
> [11:28] <=^catablanca^=> So after she stole his clothes and sold them
> on eBay the harassment stopped
> [11:29] <@SpeedRcrX> LOL take that Federline
> [11:29] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> It was hard getting into his house ><
> [11:30] *** Chiba_M [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined
> #suburbansenshi
> [11:30] <@spiritflame> Irasshai Chiba_M
> [11:31] <@SpeedRcrX> Yo Chiba
> [11:31] <Chiba_M> Haruka-san, Artemis, Minako-chan
> [11:31] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Hi Hi!!
> [11:31] <=^catablanca^=> Hey
> [11:32] <flame_SNIPER> Hello Mamoru-san :D
> [11:32] <Chiba_M> hi Rei-chan
> [11:33] <Chiba_M> Am I late?
> [11:33] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Late for what??
> [11:34] <@SpeedRcrX> Heh didn't you see the news, Neko-chan?
> [11:34] <=^catablanca^=> They announced that Pluto was given its
> official minor planet number, 134340
> [11:35] <flame_SNIPER> Kami-sama, she's just a number now
> [11:35] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Poor Setsuna-san... to have her career end
> like this...
> [11:35] <@SpeedRcrX> Yeah, "Minor Dwarf Planet Power Make-Up" just
> don't cut it
> [11:36] <@SpeedRcrX> So in honor of the end of her life as a Sailor
> Senshi, I got Michi and 'Taru to grab Sets for one last party hurrah
> [11:36] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Wai!! Wai!! A party!
> [11:36] <[gTV]> And Ginga Will be covering it, we're even going to
> syndicate this one to USENET
> [11:37] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> And Ginga Will be covering it, we're even
> going to syndicate this one to USENET
> [11:37] <[gTV]Aya_Reiko> Ara, I think they're coming, I just got beeped
> on my Blackberry
> [11:37] *** FireFly_9 [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #suburbansenshi
> [11:37] <@spiritflame> Irasshai FireFly_9
> [11:38] <FireFly_9> Setsuna-momma is NOT happy with the notion of this
> party
> [11:38] *** Mdm_Maestro [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined
> #suburbansenshi
> [11:38] <@spiritflame> Irasshai Mdm_Maestro
> [11:38] <Mdm_Maestro> The words coming out of her mouth are SO uncouth!
> [11:39] *** 134340 has joined #suburbansenshi
> [11:39] <@spiritflame> Irasshai 134340
> [11:39] <@SpeedRcrX> LOL @ your prisoner #
> [11:39] <134340> ... quiet
> [11:39] <@SpeedRcrX> Dude that's no way to treat your best friends
> [11:40] *** IrnChef_Jovian [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined
> #suburbansenshi
> [11:40] <@spiritflame> Irasshai IrnChef_Jovian
> [11:41] *** Mizunomics01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] has
> joined #suburbansenshi
> [11:41] <@spiritflame> Irasshai Mizunomics01
> [11:41] *** .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined
> #suburbansenshi
> [11:41] <@spiritflame> Irasshai .'~SugaBB_2999~'.
> [11:41] <@SpeedRcrX> Look, Mako-chan, Ami-chan and Chibiusa-chan even
> showed up for the big day
> [11:41] <134340> vultures coming to the site of a hanging.
> [11:42] <IrnChef_Jovian> Setsuna-san :<
> [11:42] <Mizunomics01> Really, we just want to commiserate with you on
> the final day of your job. Ever.
> [11:42] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hshshshs puu u gat demated
> [11:43] <134340> Small Lady... how I wasted my life behind you T_T
> [11:43] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ror ur jast jeloz of mai az
> [11:43] <Chiba_M> Setsuna-san, I'm so sorry
> [11:43] <134340> Endymion-sama... I... I gave my all in your service
> [11:44] <Reverend_H> Not as much as she WANTED to give, yo
> [11:44] <FireFly_9> Elios, be quiet ><
> [11:44] <Chiba_M> Setsuna, I--
> [11:45] <// KuNZiT3 //> You may not touch the master!
> [11:45] <@SpeedRcrX> The Master?
> [11:45] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ror hez gey 4 popa
> [11:45] <// KuNZiT3 //> quiet you lolicon freaK!
> [11:45] * // KuNZiT3 // will not allow senshi FILTH to sully his
> master!
> [11:46] <@SpeedRcrX> No you just want him to wallow in s[BLEEP]ttenou
> [11:46] <// KuNZiT3 //> I've HAD it with you, URANUS
> [11:46] <@SpeedRcrX> You'll never have my Uranus, we all know it's
> Chiba's Uranus you want~
> [11:46] <FireFly_9> My god this is digusting
> [11:46] <134340> ...
> [11:47] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> that's all we ever do?
> [11:47] <@SpeedRcrX> Ok people, ok, settle down
> [11:48] * @SpeedRcrX changes topic to `Setsuna's Farewell Party`
> [11:48] <134340> ... Thank you, Haruka-san
> [11:48] <@SpeedRcrX> What's with the "-san", we're buddies, right?
> [11:49] <@SpeedRcrX> I mean I remember the time we first met, back
> after Michi had awakened me as a Senshi in the back of my Toyota
> [11:49] <Mdm_Maestro> It was the Ferarri, dear
> [11:50] <FireFly_9> TOO MUCH INFORMATION
> [11:50] <flame_SNIPER> Yeck...
> [11:50] <IrnChef_Jovian> C'mon guys, we shouldn't make fun of their
> relationship! Two women can love each other, ne, Ami-chan?
> [11:50] <Mizunomics01> What do you mean, Mako-chan?
> [11:51] <IrnChef_Jovian> T_T
> [11:51] <=^catablanca^=> okay...
> [11:51] <@SpeedRcrX> Yeah Michi and I were dicussing how to stop the
> ruin
> [11:51] <FireFly_9> And how to kill me
> [11:52] <@SpeedRcrX> Nah, remember this was before we knew you were
> alive
> [11:52] <Mdm_Maestro> Killing you was an idea we had later, dear.
> [11:52] <FireFly_9> Thank you SO much for that, by the way
> [11:52] <Reverend_H> Hey Taru I can give you a small death, yo
> [11:53] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hay elioz ur mai men bichaz
> [11:53] <@SpeedRcrX> ANYWAY
> [11:53] <@SpeedRcrX> Sets showed up, I was hanging out at Michis' place
> because my apartment was full
> [11:54] <Mdm_Maestro> ...Full of soiled underwear and garbage from
> floor to waist height
> [11:54] <@SpeedRcrX> They don't need to know that s[BLEEP]t
> [11:54] <flame_SNIPER> We ALL know that
> [11:55] <@SpeedRcrX> and Setsuna comes by posing as an investment
> broker named Trista Meioh with some hot stock tips
> [11:55] <Mdm_Maestro> Haruka stole my wallet and invested
> [11:55] <Mdm_Maestro> And we saw AMAZING growth in the portfolio
> [11:56] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Because Setsuna-san was using future
> knowledge to pick the stocks??
> [11:56] <@SpeedRcrX> Yeah man, we were STINKING rich. Each of us had a
> damn SKYSCRAPER overlooking the Tokyo Delta flanking Mugen
> [11:57] <@SpeedRcrX> Those were the days~
> [11:57] <134340> ...I'm suprised you even remember my generosity
> [11:58] <@SpeedRcrX> Generosity my ass, you threatened to turn us in to
> the taxman if we didn't help you investigate Mugen ><
> [11:59] <134340> The two of you were too busy _making out_ to do your
> duty, what else was i supposed to do!
> [12:00] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hshshssh Puu sed "makang ot"
> [12:00] <134340> Oh don't act like you don't know what those words
> mean, you lascivious child, always lusting after the KING
> [12:00] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> o lyke u wararent!111
> [12:01] * 134340 has nothing but RESPECT for Mamoru-san
> [12:02] <Mizunomics01> You respect him in much the same way Rei-chan
> does. With offerings of dripping Saliva.
> [12:02] <IrnChef_Jovian> AHAHAHAH good one Ami-chan! :D
> [12:02] <flame_SNIPER> HEY I don't make fun of Your obsession with
> Urawa! And God Mako, tone it down
> [12:02] <IrnChef_Jovian> Oh Urawa-san's not a problem anymore... hehehe
> [12:02] <Mizunomics01> Makoto, we dont' speak of that incident with the
> crowbar.
> [12:03] <IrnChef_Jovian> Gomen, gomen~
> [12:03] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Ano... what have you guys been doing...??
> [12:03] <FireFly_9> Sempai, I don't think we want to know.
> [12:03] <flame_SNIPER> Minako-chan, Hotaru-chan's right
> [12:04] <Mizunomics01> Really, you all have the most overactiv
> imaginations ><
> [12:04] <IrnChef_Jovian> Unfortunately
> [12:04] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Ehh??
> [12:04] <IrnChef_Jovian> Unfortunately, you guys are SO PERVERTED
> [12:04] <Reverend_H> Nice save there, jugs
> [12:05] <IrnChef_Jovian> Thajks El-- I MEAN SHUT UP
> [12:06] <@SpeedRcrX> Sets was like the master of the enigmatic smile
> and s[BLEEP]t
> [12:06] <@SpeedRcrX> Anytime you asked her a f[BLEEP]king question of
> substance all you got back was that damn smile
> [12:07] <@SpeedRcrX> "Yo Sets the talismans are back together does that
> mean the world is going to end?" --Enigmatic smile
> [12:07] <@SpeedRcrX> "Yo sets the helicopter is exploding can you help
> us get out" --Enigmatic smile
> [12:08] <[gTV]Aya_Reiko> Ara, when I think of a "Flaming Wreck" I think
> of Kunzite-san
> [12:08] <// KuNZiT3 //> I'LL KILL YOU ANIMAMATE
> [12:09] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> Oh shut up you Fabio wannabe
> [12:09] <134340> Is this party really about me...?
> [12:10] <// KuNZiT3 //> ME ME ME why does everything have to be about
> YOU you oversized red-eyed brocolli-haired REJECT of the SENSHI
> [12:11] * 134340 doesn't even have a big-assed key to hit him over the
> head with any longer T_T
> [12:11] *** @SpeedRcrX has kicked // KuNZiT3 // from #suburbansenshi
> REASON: ( GTFO my internets)
> [12:12] <134340> Thank you, Haruka
> [12:12] <Reverend_H> Ok Ok Ok I'll start yo
> [12:12] <Reverend_H> I knew this broad since back in DA DAY 10,000
> years ago
> [12:13] <Reverend_H> Anytime Prince Dorkius of Earth there would come
> to Endymion to check on the crystal, she'd be followin' on like a puppy
> who'd lost its bone
> [12:13] <Reverend_H> (much like da prince himself, yo)
> [12:13] <Chiba_M> HEY
> [12:13] <flame_SNIPER> Take that back! He's ALL man
> [12:13] <134340> Indeed!
> [12:14] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Ano... Mamoru-san is like some kind of
> Tenchi~
> [12:14] <Chiba_M> Heheheh
> [12:14] <@SpeedRcrX> YO Chiba
> [12:14] <Chiba_M> ?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> DCC Chat Session
> -
> Client: @SpeedRcrX
> -
> Acknowledging Chat Request...
> -
> [12:15] <@SpeedRcrX> Yo Chiba, You're under my spell
> [12:15] <Chiba_M> ok
> [12:15] <@SpeedRcrX> f[BLEEP]k that was easy
> [12:15] <Chiba_M> .
> [12:16] <@SpeedRcrX> I'm gonna call you on your keitai and ask you to
> do something then you do it ok
> [12:16] <Chiba_M> okay
> -
> DCC Session Closed
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [12:16] * @SpeedRcrX makes a phone call
> [12:16] * Chiba_M is away: phone
> [12:17] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Setsuna-san alwauys did the right thing by
> telling us what you two were doing, Haruka-san, when you wouldn't share
> information
> [12:17] <@SpeedRcrX> Hah she just wanted more lambs to the slaughter
> [12:17] <134340> That's slanderous
> [12:17] * Chiba_M is back
> [12:18] <Chiba_M> Rei-chan
> [12:18] <flame_SNIPER> Yes?
> [12:18] <Chiba_M> I've a little teapot, short and stout, I want you to
> handle my spout <3
> [12:19] * flame_SNIPER turns beet red
> [12:19] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> POPA WTF
> [12:19] <FireFly_9> Haruka-poppa! Stop hypnotizing Mamoru-san!
> [12:20] <Reverend_H> Cuz yo too damn ugly, thus he keep waking from da
> spell
> [12:20] <134340> I HATE YOU
> [12:21] <=^catablanca^=> I never talked to Setsuna-san much, except for
> that one time she tols me she was taking Diana away to make her run the
> Time Door / Gate thing.
> [12:21] <FireFly_9> She stole away your child?
> [12:22] <=^catablanca^=> Yes >< T_T
> [12:22] <134340> I just... someone needed to guard the door!
> [12:22] <=^catablanca^=> Guard the door while you were too busy PEEPING
> on the KING
> [12:22] <134340> What am I NOT ALLOWED to have a life?!
> [12:23] <134340> Look at me, I don't have a JOB I don't even have a
> NAME anymore T_T
> [12:23] <134340> All I want is LOVE
> [12:23] <Reverend_H> dude I gots nine inches of love for ya babe
> [12:23] <FireFly_9> God someone PLEASE kick him
> [12:24] <FireFly_9> in the crotch.
> [12:24] * flame_SNIPER is away
> [12:24] *** Reverend_H [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit IRC
> (broken pipe)
> [12:24] * flame_SNIPER is back
> [12:24] <flame_SNIPER> Well he won't be having children anytime soon
> [12:25] <FireFly_9> Damn it, the fear of child rearign was all that was
> keeping him in LINE ><
> [12:25] <flame_SNIPER> ><
> [12:26] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> fak
> [12:26] <FireFly_9> What is it, Chibiusa-chan?
> [12:27] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> i jast reelized samtang
> [12:27] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> satsuma waz alweys tryang 2 b mai fend
> [12:27] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> bat new i kno it wuz caz si wented 2 gat
> neer mai ded
> [12:27] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> dat explaynz y si tread 2 brest fead mi dat
> i tym
> [12:28] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> o_O
> [12:28] <134340> .... I was trying to prevent her from STARVING! The
> QUEEN surely wasn't going to do it!
> [12:28] * Chiba_M remembers that well~
> [12:29] <134340> Oh do you, your majesty, were those moments fond~
> [12:29] <Chiba_M> Usagi had much larger odango...
> [12:29] <134340> .....................................
> [12:29] <@SpeedRcrX> I'll say
> [12:29] <134340> Wha... HARUKA-SAN were you COMPARING US
> [12:29] <@SpeedRcrX> HEY
> [12:29] <@SpeedRcrX> I see something I check it out it's a subconcious
> thing
> [12:30] <FireFly_9> Oh god I feel filthy
> [12:30] <@SpeedRcrX> Why you're like a washboard
> [12:30] <FireFly_9> GAH
> [12:30] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hshshsh im batter of dan horatru
> [12:31] <IrnChef_Jovian> Setsuna-san and I never spoke, really
> [12:33] <IrnChef_Jovian> I'm sorry to see her lose her job, though
> [12:34] <Mizunomics01> Well, it is quite humourous if you think about
> it...
> [12:34] <134340> ...Humorous for WHOM
> [12:35] <Mizunomics01> Why me, of course. The very notion that
> objective reality can be so easily changed by the collective fiat of
> the scienttific world is such an eloquent testimonal to thw raw power
> of science, oh yes, the strong firm grip of the intellect, caressing
> and massaging reality until finally a new, magnificent creation erupts!
> [12:36] <IrnChef_Jovian> Ami-chan! :O
> [12:36] <IrnChef_Jovian> Hail Science!
> [12:36] <Mizunomics01> YES! YES! HAIL!
> [12:36] *** Mizunomics01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] has
> left #suburbansenshi (A new change of undergarments is required)
> [12:37] *** IrnChef_Jovian [EMAIL PROTECTED] has left
> #suburbansenshi (You'll need help!)
> [12:37] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> What. the. hell.
> [12:37] <=^catablanca^=> I don't... I don't know what to say Mina
> [12:37] <@SpeedRcrX> ....Yokay~
> [12:38] <134340> I'm so glad my demotion can help Ami-chan with her
> theoretical stimulation ><
> [12:38] <Chiba_M> So what will you do with yourself now, Setsuna-san?
> [12:38] <@spiritflame> this channel is rated PG-13 mamoru-san
> [12:39] <@SpeedRcrX> AHAAHAH made a joke
> [12:39] <134340> It's not FUNNY ><
> [12:39] <134340> I'm spent my whole life alone, with only that annoying
> ba[BLEEP]rd CHILD for my company
> [12:40] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> stfu u ware new fun eithar bich i jast hag
> arund u 2 c da spai picz of mai popa u hed
> [12:40] <134340> Chibiusa you're SICK. THERE! I'VE FINALLY SAID IT!
> [12:42] <FireFly_9> Uhh, Chibiusa-chan was raised by women in a
> female-dominated closed society of the Crystal Millennium in which
> Mamooru-san was virtually the ONLY male she had contact with. of COURSE
> she would see him as the perfect man. What's your excuse for obsessing?
> [12:42] <Chiba_M> Wait are you saying the only way someone would like
> me is if there was no real other option?
> [12:42] <@SpeedRcrX> Or you were brainless and filled with teen
> hormones like Usagi-chan was
> [12:43] <Chiba_M> T_T
> [12:43] <flame_SNIPER> I like him!
> [12:43] <@SpeedRcrX> Do you or are you still remembering that s[BLEEP]t
> from when you were 14
> [12:43] <flame_SNIPER> Huh
> [12:44] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> She's right, Rei-chan... take a good look at
> him, the pedo who went after underaged girls
> [12:44] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> His horrible dress sense
> [12:45] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> The way he would do nothing but throw roses
> in the fight because he liked seeing girls beat up and the
> panty-flashed when we fought
> [12:45] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Is he the perfect man.... or just a horny old
> man
> [12:45] <flame_SNIPER> ....
> [12:45] <flame_SNIPER> Christ he's like an internet stalker isn't he,
> old and lusting for supple young things
> [12:45] *** flame_SNIPER [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit
> IRC (God and I dated him *vomit*)
> [12:46] <134340>
> .............................................................
> [12:46] * 134340 also looks long and hard at the King
> [12:46] <134340> No... what have I wasted my life on...
> [12:46] <Chiba_M> I'm not like that, I SWEAR
> [12:47] <@SpeedRcrX> So Usagi WASN'T grossly underage, and you, a first
> year COLLEGE man going after a JUNIOR HIGH GIRL was what, a fluke?
> [12:48] <Chiba_M> Hey SHE came onto ME with all that past-life
> predestiny princess STUFF
> [12:48] <FireFly_9> And of course you dodn't say no, did you?
> [12:48] <@SpeedRcrX> I've read Takueuchi's manga adapatation, I SAW
> what you and Neko #1 did
> [12:49] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> fak i remambder dat sit i hed cum bak frum
> da futar an i wuz in haz apatment n dey were dong tit
> [12:50] <FireFly_9> Someone? anyone? I need acid to wash out my eyes to
> purge that blasted mental image.
> [12:50] <@SpeedRcrX> No you need to DROP acid before you can purge any
> of that s[BLEEP]t
> [12:51] <134340> I can't believe this... I just... I can't.. I held the
> power of the universe, if time and space in my hands... I could have
> had any man in the universe... and all that time
> [12:51] <134340> all that time I wasted over... over a pedophile
> [12:51] <Chiba_M> I'm NOT a pedophile have you ever LOOKED at her?
> [12:52] <@SpeedRcrX> Dude chibi there's got a freind named Momohara who
> got a boob job at 14 that makes Pamela ANDERSON look flat compared to
> her but that don't make her legal
> [12:52] <134340> My god he is... just a man
> [12:53] <Frieza> YOU'RE JUST A MONKEY!!!
> [12:53] *** @SpeedRcrX has killed Freiza
> [12:53] <134340> I.... oh father cronos why....
> [12:54] <Mdm_Maestro> Ara, I think we've made Setsuna-san cry
> [12:54] <=^catablanca^=> I'd cry if I wasted my life behind a pedo
> freak ><
> [12:54] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Oh wait didn't Luna BECOME a Pedo plush..?
> [12:54] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Doesn't that make YOU a Pedo?
> [12:54] <=^catablanca^=> .................
> [12:55] <=^catablanca^=> NO because she DIVORCED me before anything
> could have happened, not that it WOULD
> [12:55] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> But technically for a while you were married
> to a 7 year old
> [12:55] <=^catablanca^=> Shut up Mina
> [12:55] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> You WERE
> [12:55] <=^catablanca^=> STOP IT T_T
> [12:56] <Chiba_M> Artemis, today's women are mean
> [12:56] <=^catablanca^=> I know T_T
> [12:56] <Chiba_M> Want to go for a drink and talk about it
> [12:56] <=^catablanca^=> Sure
> [12:56] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Watch out he's hitting on you!
> [12:56] <Chiba_M> The hell!?
> [12:57] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> You're small and have no chest, the pedo part
> of his brain probably thinks you're a fur-covered girl!
> [12:57] <=^catablanca^=> ...
> [12:57] <@SpeedRcrX> LOL
> [12:57] <@SpeedRcrX> Hotaru look out you could be next
> [12:57] <FireFly_9> LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS
> [12:58] <=^catablanca^=> Mina that is the most deranged theory you have
> EVER come up with
> [12:58] <=^catablanca^=> Ever
> [12:58] <=^catablanca^=> and I do mean ever, in like 15 years ever.
> [12:58] *** Chiba_M [EMAIL PROTECTED] has left #suburbansenshi
> (>_>)
> [12:58] <=^catablanca^=> ........................................
> [12:58] <=^catablanca^=> SHUT UP ><
> [12:59] * 134340 tears her hair out in frustration
> [13:01] <134340> you know what I'm GLAD. GLAD THIS HAPPENED.
> [13:01] <@SpeedRcrX> Ho s[BLEEP]t sour grapes alert off the starboard
> bow
> [13:01] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Eh??
> [13:01] <134340> I'm TIRED of Haruka and her "too cool for school" bad
> boy mentality!
> [13:02] <134340> I'm TIRED of Michiru getting off as some kind of
> "cool" woman in the public when all she is is a foil for Haruka that
> hangs off her arm and serves as a bedwarmer to keep the Yuri fans
> [13:03] <134340> I'm SICK of the inners and their "OH WOW IT'S A BOY
> SUGOI / SUTEKI /SQUEEE~~~" habits! Men are PIGS! Learn it!
> [13:04] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Tha's not what you were saying two hours ago
> when you were drooling over Mamoru-san~
> [13:04] <134340> HUT UP
> [13:04] <134340> ^SHUT UP
> [13:05] <134340> I am SO glad not to have to deal with Chibiusa and her
> FIXATIONS anymore!
> [13:05] <134340> or USAGI the Queen with the brain of a turnip whose
> ENTIRE justification for holding the reins of power is a NAIVE OUTLOOK
> [13:05] <134340> I'M FREE! FREEE!
> [13:07] <134340> I AM A NUMBER! I AM A FREE WOMAN!
> [13:08] <@SpeedRcrX> You forgot Crystals
> [13:08] <134340> AND CRYSTALS THANK YOU
> [13:09] *** 134340 has quit IRC (SO LONG, SUCKERS!)
> [13:11] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
> [13:11] <@SpeedRcrX> There is not enough wasabi in the f[BLEEP]king
> universe to hold all that bitter
> [13:12] <=^catablanca^=> I've never seen a senshi melt down before
> [13:12] <@SpeedRcrX> Ya she pretty damn well Chernobyled
> [13:13] <FireFly_9> Is that our fate as well? To continue pressing
> forth dogged by the various dysfunctions of our psyche until finally
> one day we simply implode in a moment's froth of rage?
> [13:14] <@SpeedRcrX> Man as long as it's just my *psyche*
> dysfunctioning
> [13:14] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> ??
> [13:14] <@SpeedRcrX> If I ever need the Cialis you have my permission
> to execute me
> [13:15] <Mdm_Maestro> Ara, Haruka Cialis is for women
> [13:17] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Farewell Sailor Pluto / Setsuna Meioh!
> You may have only had less than one episode's worth of screentime but
> we will miss you anyway! ***
> [13:17] <@SpeedRcrX> Dude that's f[BLEEP]king HARSH XD
> [13:17] <@spiritflame> the party is over stop talking
> [13:17] <@SpeedRcrX> the partty is NEVER over
> [13:18] <@SpeedRcrX> it just takes breaks for hangovers to dispel
> [13:18] * @spiritflame changes topic  to `And the band played on...`
> -- we don't suffer from insanity, we enjoy every
> minute of it

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