Here a info from the newsgroup rec.arts.anime.misc thanks for reading,

Stéphane Dumas (I'm not the creator, I'm 
just a member of these mailings lists -_-;; as well as surfing on this TS
site at and )

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Kelk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime.fandom,rec.arts.anime.misc
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 6:05 PM
Subject: [INFO] The Anime Primer, or "What Anime Should I Watch Now?" (1/10)

> Archive-name: <>
> Posting-frequency: monthly, on the 1st
> Last-modified: Fri 31 Aug 2007
>                           The Anime Primer
>                                  or
>                    WHAT ANIME SHOULD I WATCH NOW?
>                            Usenet edition
>                          Edited by Rob Kelk
>           Based on the work of Bruce Carlson & Steve Pearl
>                            31 August 2007
>   ****************************************************************
>            This document is always undergoing revision.
>        New entries are needed and should be sent to Rob Kelk.
>   ****************************************************************
> This is intended for English-speaking fans who are new to anime, and
> looking for some suggestions of what to watch next.  While this list
> concentrates on North American releases of anime, there is some
> information about the availability of translated anime in other parts
> of the world mentioned as well.
> Additions and corrections to this information are welcome; please post
> them in reply to this posting.
> This Primer is also available on the World-Wide Web.  The primary site
> is <>; there is also a mirror at
> <>.
> New or Heavily Revised Writeups This Month:
>   none
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 1. Table of Contents
>   1. Table of Contents
>   2. Important Note to Parents
>   3. Credits and Legal Notes
>   4. How to Find Anime
>   5. Why would an anime not be on this list?
>   6. Other Recommendations
>   7. The List Maintainer's Current Favourites
>   8. Capsule Descriptions of Anime
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 2. Important Note to Parents
> While some of the entries in the Primer have Parental Advisory notes,
> it is not safe to assume that the shows described without advisories
> are safe for young children.  These movies and television shows are
> made in Japan, to that country's standards of what is and is not
> suitable as children's entertainment.  Those standards might not match
> your home's standards.
> Also, many of these shows were not intended to be children's
> entertainment at all.  (For example, CHOBITS and ZIPANG were intended
> for college-aged audiences.)
> If you intend to let your children watch any of the shows reviewed in
> the Anime Primer, please view them yourself beforehand.
> For a more in-depth discussion of this matter, please see Gilles
> Poitras' "Parental Content in Anime and Manga" page at
> <>.
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 3. Credits and Legal Notes
> This is a monthly posting intended for those who are new to anime, and
> looking for some suggestions of what to watch next.  This article can
> be freely distributed for non-commercial use, as long as all credits
> and notices remain intact.  If this is used in any publication,
> including APAs & CD-ROM Collections, copies must be sent to:
>     Steve Pearl
>     PO Box 11044
>     New Brunswick, NJ 08906-1044
>     USA
> and
>     Rob Kelk
>     (contact FAQ maintainer for address)
> Please send all additions/corrections/comments to Rob Kelk.
> Contributors to this FAQ:
>   Past Maintainers:
>      Bruce Carlson                    Steve Pearl
>   Current Maintainer:
>      Rob Kelk   <robkelk -atsign- gmail -period- com>
>   Writers:
>      C Andersen                       Chris "Blade" McNeil
>      Dave Baranyi                     Dave Menard
>      Jack Bohn                        Karl Merris
>      Gerardo Campos                   Hanno Mueller
>      Ben Cantrick                     Travers Naran
>      Robin Casady                     Mark L. Neidengard
>      Anand Chelian                    Justin Palmer
>      Bobby Clark                      Kyle Thomas Pope
>      laurie cubbison                  Jorge A Pratt
>      David Damerell                   bobbie sellers
>      Scott Delahunt                   David Simmons
>      Abraham Evangelista              Charlie Smith
>      Michael Falkner                  Robert Sneddon
>      Scott Fujimoto                   Andrew V. Tupkalo
>      Shawn Granger                    Terrence Walker
>      Bruce Grubb                      Austin Watkins
>      Arthur Hansen                    David Watson
>      Jeanne Hedge                     Ansgar "59cobalt" Wiechers
>      Andrew Hollingbury               D.Eric Wilson
>      Matt "Kosher Pickle" Huber       Phil Yff
>      Brad Jackson                     "Akodo Bob"
>      Derek Janssen                    "Antaeus Feldspar"
>      Chris "Chika" Johnson            "Captain Nerd"
>      Rob Kelk                         "Dot Warner"
>      Andrew Kieswetter                "Hana no Kaitou"
>      Cathy Krusberg                   "HiEv"
>      Paul Lepant                      "IwillneverbeaJedi"
>      Ray Li                           "KireiSarah"
>      Michael Lo                       "MimiE"
>      D B Malmquist                    "Royal Orange"
>      Bill Martin                      "Shez"
>      Rob Maxwell                      "Slithy Tove"
>      Chris Meadows                    "Sultan Of Swing"
>      Nicholas A. "QuestionMark" Jalowick
>      Catherine "Fish Eye no Miko" Johnson
> If there is no credit given for an entry, then it was inherited from
> the original "Anime Primer" maintained by Bruce Carlson & Steve Pearl.
> (Currently, only five entries do not have attributions:  LEGEND OF
> Most (if not all) of the company names mentioned in this document are
> trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.  No
> challenge to their trademark status is intended by their mention in
> this document.
> All reviews in the Anime Primer are copyright their respective
> authors, and are used with permission.  The compilation copyright for
> the Anime Primer is held by Rob Kelk.
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 4. How to Find Anime
> Anime programs come in three flavors:  TV shows, Movies, and Original
> Animation Video (OAV or OVA - what North American studios call "direct
> to video").  In general, movies have the best animation quality, while
> TV shows use less motion, and OAVs vary widely between those.  Also,
> newer shows tend to have better animation than older shows do, since
> the state of the art has advanced.  But animation quality is rarely an
> indicator of how good an anime is.
> The vast majority of Japanese animation is only available in Japanese,
> of course.  Sturgeon's Law ("90% of *everything* is crap") also
> applies to anime, so the professionals and fans translating anime into
> English tend to work with the 10% that isn't.
> Professionally-translated anime can often be found at large video
> stores and comic book shops (brick-and-mortar or online).  Sometimes,
> they are also available for individual purchase directly from the
> translation company.  Secondhand copies of anime can also be found for
> sale on the <news:rec.arts.anime.marketplace> newsgroup.
> Fan-subtitled items were historically available as tape-to-tape copies
> from clubs (see below), individuals, and other volunteer distributors.
> Nowadays they are usually found online via the various file-sharing
> peer-to-peer systems in formats designed either for viewing directly
> on computer screens or for transfer to DVD for playing in DVD players.
> Since fansubs are "derivative works", they are technically illegal in
> most countries (so don't get fansubs if you don't want to break the
> law), but this is largely ignored by the copyright holders as long as
> nobody makes a profit and anime that have been professionally
> translated aren't also fan-subtitled.  It is beyond the scope of this
> document to describe how to obtain fansubs - please ask on the
> <news:rec.arts.anime.fandom> newsgroup for assistance.
> (There are still some fansub distributors who advertise tapes or VCDs
> on the World-Wide Web.  Be warned, though, that many of these people
> are taking advantage of other fans' goodwill by selling tapes or CDs
> at a profit.  Worse yet, there are now many people who are selling
> fansubs for a profit on eBay and other online auction services.  You
> shouldn't pay more for a fansub than you would pay for the blank tape
> or blank CD, plus postage.  Also, some less-scrupulous fansub
> distributors sell fan-subtitled copies of anime that have also been
> translated professionally.  The best defence against being caught by
> one of these distributors is to know what shows have been
> professionally translated.  Read the Grand High License List at
> <>, then ask on
> <news:rec.arts.anime.misc> if you still aren't sure.)
> Most cities of even moderate size have an anime club somewhere.  They
> probably meet periodically and view the latest stuff, and many have a
> decent video library.  A good way to find your local club is to ask at
> the local stores that sell anime, or to post a question in the
> rec.arts.anime.fandom newsgroup if your town doesn't have an anime
> store.
> Many science fiction conventions have an anime program in a room
> someplace these days.  An anime convention is probably the best way to
> sample *large* amounts of anime at once (if you can tear yourself
> away from the Guests, panels, and other activities to actually watch
> the stuff).
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 5. Why would an anime not be on this list?
> You may have seen an anime that you liked, but isn't on this list.
> That doesn't mean your taste in anime is bad!
> First, this is not a comprehensive list of anime titles (for that, see
> the Anime News Network encyclopedia of anime, found at
> <>), or even a
> list of all good anime.  It it simply a list of shows that people on
> the anime newsgroups like enough to review and recommend to others.
> Please keep in mind that tastes vary, and not everyone will think that
> every anime on this list is good.  (You could ask twenty different
> anime fans what the best anime are, and you'll get twenty different
> replies.)  But we hope that this list will help you find something
> *you* think is good.
> Also, if the anime you saw and liked has erotic or pornographic
> content, it shouldn't be listed here.  Listings for this type of anime
> can be found in "The Anime Hentai Primer", a companion to this
> posting.  The list maintainer chose to split the list so that this
> list could be given to people who should not, or do not wish to, watch
> erotic or pornographic animation.
> If the anime you saw and liked isn't included in either Primer, it's
> quite possible that we simply haven't seen it yet.  If you think we
> should add a capsule description of a title not on this list, please
> write the description and post it as a reply to this posting, or
> e-mail it to Rob Kelk at <robkelk -atsign- gmail -period- com>.
> Should you decide to write a capsule description of a good anime
> title, please also mention who translated the anime.  This is
> especially important when the show is only available fansubbed!
> (Commercially-translated anime can be purchased in specialty shops,
> but fansubs are only available from people within the anime fan
> community.  Knowing who translated a show often helps other anime fans
> find the translations.)
> The list maintainer makes a habit of acknowledging all Primer entries
> received, either through e-mail or by posting to the newsgroup
> <news:rec.arts.anime.fandom>.  If you do not receive a reply to your
> submission after a week, then it probably was not received and you
> should re-submit your entry.
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 6. Other Recommendations
> Most of these descriptions are sparse, but we can't really offer more
> in Usenet posts!  However, there are places on the World-Wide Web that
> offer more in-depth reviews, including reviews of shows that aren't as
> good as these are.
> Gilles Poitras, author of "The Anime Companion" and "Anime
> Essentials", has a page of recommendations on his website.  He also
> has pages of recommendations for manga and books about anime.
>   <>
> Andrew Shelton is building the "Anime Meta-Review" site, which lists
> roughly three times as many titles as this FAQ does.  He also reviews
> shows that he *doesn't* recommend, which may be of interest to some
> people.
>   <>
> The Anime News Network maintains an online encyclopedia listing almost
> every anime title in existance, with user-submitted ratings of most of
> the shows.
>   <>
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 7. The List Maintainer's Current Favourites
> It's come to my attention that the Anime Primer, while useful, is
> simply too large to act as an introduction to all anime available now.
> Also, there are some people on <news:rec.arts.anime.misc> who have
> expressed an interest in knowing what other fans are watching.
> This is a list of my top twenty favourite anime titles as of the last
> time I updated this list.  (That would be 11 June 2007.)  The list is
> subject to change on my whim - it's a list of my favourites, after
> all, not a list of what's acknowledged as "good".  The North American
> translation companies that have released these shows are listed so
> that you can more easily find the anime.
> Taking a riff from David Letterman ...  From the home office in
> Ottawa, here's Rob Kelk's Top Twenty Favourite Anime:
> 19:  RUIN EXPLORERS                        (ADV)
> 18:  REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA              (CPM)
> 17:  EARTH DEFENSE FAMILY                  (Geneon)
> 16:  MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO                    (Disney)
> 15:  AZUMANGA DAIOH                        (ADV)
> 14:  PORCO ROSSO                           (Disney)
> 13:  KAZEMAKASE TSUKIKAGE RAN              (Bandai)
> 12:  ANGELIC LAYER                         (ADV)
> 11:  YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!                  (AnimEigo, ADV)
> 10:  CARDCAPTOR SAKURA                     (Geneon)
> 9:  RUNE SOLDIER LOUIE                    (ADV)
> 8:  READ OR DIE / R.O.D THE TV            (Manga, Geneon)
> 7:  TSUKUYOMI MOON PHASE                  (Funimation)
> 6:  FIGURE 17                             (Anime Works)
> 5:  KAMICHU!                              (Geneon)
> 3:  STELLVIA                              (Geneon)
> 2:  PRINCESS TUTU                         (ADV)
> 1:  CHOBITS                               (Geneon)
> ------------------------------
> Subject: 8. Capsule Descriptions of Anime
> And now, the reviews:
>   .hack//SIGN:  "The World" is an online multiplayer RPG taking the
> world by storm.  One player, a Wavemaster (magician) named Tsukasa,
> gets stuck in The World, unable to quit back to the real world - and
> all the while players are falling into mysterious comas.  There is
> obviously something rotten in The World, but it will take a whole team
> of players to sort it out, and the problems may reach deeper than they
> think.
>   Released as part of Bandai's massive .hack multimedia campaign,
> .hack//SIGN comes from Bee Train, the studio behind NOIR, and features
> many of the same hallmarks with blaring (although excellent) Yuki
> Kajiura music drowning out fairly cryptic dialogue. If this is to your
> taste, there's a lot to like about .hack//SIGN, with an intriguing
> cast of characters and some particularly good background artwork, but
> be prepared for a lot of talking.
>   Released by Bandai in Region 1 and UK Region 2, and by Madman in
> Region 4.  The original Region 1 release came in several special
> editions including soundtrack CDs, which are unfortunately not
> available separately, and the last disc's special edition came with an
> extra bonus episode - I believe this is available in the recently
> released .hack//SIGN Collection.
>   [Entry by Andrew Hollingbury]
>   3X3 EYES (a.k.a. SAZAN EYES):  Pai, the last of a race of three-eye
> immortals known as Sanjiyan Unkara, desires to become human.  She has
> been sent to Yakumo by his late father to obtain an artifact called
> the Ningun No Zou or Statue of Humanity which is needed to accomplish
> this.  Unfortunately, one of her demon friends is let loose and Yakumo
> is mortally wounded in the resulting chaos. To save Yakumo she pulls
> his soul into her, turning him into a Wu (an undead-like immortal).
> To become human again, Yakumo must help Pai become human.
> Unfortunately there are others who want the Ningun No Zou, the
> immortality of being Wu, or Pai herself.  Complicating matters is that
> Pai has a totally different personality when her third eye manifests.
>   The North American DVD release by Geneon combines the two OVAs
> "Immortal" and "Legend of the Divine Demon".  3X3 EYES is available in
> Australia from Madman.
>   PARENTAL ADVISORY:  The "Immortal" OVA has several violent gorish
> scenes - Yakumo gets badly beaten several times and his hand is
> chopped off.  His girlfriend is used as a hostage during which she is
> painfully attacked from the inside by a demon.  "Legend of the Divine
> Demon" is far less gory, though there is the death of Yakumo's mentor,
> a blind Tibetan priest.
>   Detailed web page: <>
>   [Entry by Bruce Grubb]
>   801 T.T.S. AIRBATS (a.k.a. AOZORA SHOUJOTAI):  A series based
> around a female aerobatic team within the Japanese Air Self Defense
> Force, made up of misfits including a gambling addict, an airhead, a
> pilot with a major chip stuck on her shoulder and another that is
> always at war with her.  Oh yes, and one rookie airplane and mecha nut
> with whom both of the latter two pilots are besotted with.  Available
> from ADV Films in North America and Madman in Australia.
>   [Entry by Chika]
> A
> ABENOBASHI):  11-year-old friends Satoshi "Sasshi" Imamiya and Ayumi
> Asahina are bemoaning the fact that their Osaka neighbourhood is now
> decaying, and wondering about the animal statues on top of some of the
> shops.  When Arumi's grandfather accidentally knocks down the pelican
> statue on top of his restaurant, things get trippy for the two kids,
> and they end up in various re-settings of their neighbourhood, based
> on a different theme in each show (i.e.  sword and sorcery, China,
> outer space), where parodies of examples of the genres follow,
> frequently at blur speed.  Add dashes of juvenile humour here and
> there (including a young woman appropriately named Mune-Mune, who
> supplies the fan service), plus the odd touching moment, blend, and
> serve.  A collaboration between Gainax and scriptwriter Akahori Satoru
> many others).
>   Available from ADV.
>   R1 official website: <>
>   [Entry by David Watson]
>   AD POLICE FILES:  This series chronicles the (mis-)adventures of AD
> Police rookie Leon and his colleagues as they defend the near-future
> cyberpunk city of MegaTokyo (and sometimes themselves) from boomers -
> humanish androids.  There are three episodes, each with a different
> plot line, but each asking the same question - what happens when the
> line between man and machine blurs? Forewarned, this series is
> extremely dark, violent, gory and sexual.  Therefore I do not
> recommend it for anyone under 17 years old unless they are very
> mature.  Well drawn and animated, and certainly engaging to watch.  If
> you liked "Bladerunner", you might like this series.  Three episodes.
> Subbed.  From AnimEigo in North America and Madman in Australia.
>   [Entry by Ben Cantrick]
>   [NOTE: There is a recent remake titled AD POLICE, that has been
> released by ADV Films in North America.  The FAQ maintainer has not
> yet seen the remake, and nobody else has yet written a capsule
> description of the show.  - Rob Kelk]
>   ADVENTURES OF THE MINI-GODDESSES:  Loosely based on a series of
> four-panel comic strips that themselves were loosely based on Kosuke
> Fujishima's AH MEGAMISAMA story, this is a series of short (five- to
> seven-minute) episodes featuring cute versions of Urd and Skuld as
> they have adventures with Gan-chan, a rat that lives in the temple.
> Belldandy sometimes gets in on the fun, too (although not as often,
> because her original seiyuu was unavailable when the earliest episodes
> were made).  While some of the episodes have educational content, most
> are simply excuses to tell silly stories from the four-panel comic
> strip (such as the "Let's Make a Band" storyline), or parodying
> popular Japanese culture (such as the "Gan-chan becomes Godzilla"
> stories).
>   There's little if any serious meaning to this series, but it's
> ideal for the times when you're too tired or rushed to watch something
> that takes itself too seriously.
>   Geneon has released this series on DVD in North America.
> (TV).
>   [Entry by Rob Kelk]
>   AH! MY GODDESS (MOVIE):  Set later in the AH MEGAMISAMA storyline
> than the OH MY GODDESS! OAV series, this movie tells the story of
> Belldandy's mentor Celestin and his attempt to go against the will of
> Kami-sama for the sake of love.  One of the side-effects of Celestin's
> actions causes Belldandy to lose her memory, so the goddesses and
> Keiichi have two problems to solve at the same time.
>   This is quite possibly the best animated AH MEGAMI-SAMA story yet.
> All of the characters are shown as they are in Kosuke Fujishima's
> manga, as opposed to the caricatures of Belldandy and Keiichi in the
> OAV series, and the plotline is reminiscent of Fujishima's best work.
> (The only real problem some people have with the movie is that Mara
> once again doesn't make an appearance, but, given the subject matter,
> there's really no logical way for her to have been in the story.)
>   This movie is available in North America on DVD from Geneon, and in
> Australia from Madman.
>   [Entry by Rob Kelk]
>   AH! MY GODDESS (TV):  Meet Keiichi Morisato, nice guy, human
> doormat, and unluckiest guy you'll ever meet.  One night, after a
> strange call, and a girl popping out of a mirror, his life changes
> forever.  The girl, Belldandy, turns out to be a First Class Goddess,
> and explains that he's been given a wish, any wish.  He could have
> money, power, whatever his heart desires.  After talking with her, he
> says the first thing that pops into his mind, that he wished he had a
> girl like Belldandy to stay by his side forever ... and that's when
> life stopped being ordinary for Keiichi.  He gets kicked out of the
> male-only dorm, and must find a place to stay, get a job, and try to
> teach Belldandy how to act normally while still going to college.
> Note: No previous knowledge of the OAVs, movie, or manga required to
> enjoy ...
>   Released by Anime Works in North America.
>   [Entry by Bill Martin]
>   AI YORI AOSHI:  A young college student sees a beautiful Japanese
> girl dressed in a kimono and sandals lost in a train station.  From
> this unlikely coincidence, childhood sweethearts Kaoru and Aoi are
> re-united.
>   Kaoru was the heir of the Hanabishi family.  Aoi is heiress to the
> Sakuraba family.  Kaoru ran away from the Hanabishis and Aoi was
> simply told "the engagement is off".  Aoi would not accept that her
> her first true love would end like this, so she rushed off to Tokyo to
> find him.  The story gets more complicated when Aoi's mother sets them
> up in an old house to hide their romance.  Miyabi, Aoi's guardian,
> hides their secret by running the house as a boarding house,
> accidentally attracting a harem of young girls all vying for Kaoru's
> attention.
>   This anime has two stories going on: a classic Japanese romance
> from the age of the samurai and a LOVE HINA'esque harem story.  But at
> its heart, AI YORI AOSHI is a very strong character anime; all the
> characters are interesting with depth.  Tina Foster, an American who
> grew up in Japan, acts the extrovert to hide her loneliness of feeling
> like a stranger in both cultures.  Mayu is rich and intelligent, but
> her parents treat her more as a prized piece of furniture than their
> child; the only love in her life came from an act of kindness by
> Kaoru.  These complex stories enmesh and develop over time.  The
> characters are explored even further in the second series, AI YORI
>   It's a really good series for those who like romantic stories with
> a strong ensemble cast.
>   Age: 14+ Warnings: Frequent fan service, suggested nudity and
> mature situations.  Available in North America from Geneon.
>   [Entry by Travers Naran]
>   AISHITERUZE BEIBE (a.k.a. LOVE YOU BABY):  Kippei is a
> lackadaisical high-schooler, popular with the girls but not ready for
> commitment.  One day he arrives home to find his young cousin, five-
> year-old Yuzuyu-chan there.  Her mother has abandoned her and the
> family decide Kippei should be the one to look after her.  Thus begins
> a story of responsibility and maturity on Kippei's part and a chance
> for stability and happiness for Yuzuyu-chan.
>   Like fungus, this anime grows on you.  Yuzuyu behaves like a real
> five-year-old, scared by her mother's disappearance, comforted by
> Kippei-onii-chan, making friends at the kindergarten.  There is a
> little drama; Kippei becomes the focus of a stalker and Yuzuyu gets
> caught up in the action, but mostly this is Kippei learning that
> actions have consequences and Yuzuyu learning that she is still loved
> and her mother's disappearance was not her fault.
>   Tsuzurahara Miyu, Yuzuyu's seiyuu, makes her sound like a real
> five-year-old.  The animation quality is not very high but carries the
> story adequately.  The OP and ED songs are catchy and addictive,
> matching the upbeat mood of the series.
>   This series is still unlicensed.  The manga is being translated by
> Viz.
>   [Entry by Robert Sneddon]
>   AKIRA:  An adaptation of a longer manga work, the story (as far as
> the anime is concerned) surrounds a gang, in particular the leader,
> Kaneda, and his friend, Tetsuo, and a secret government/military
> project to tap the psychic abilities of children.  Tetsuo encounters a
> "child" from these experiments and soon after starts to exhibit some
> abilities of his own following his abduction by the military.  Kaneda
> is caught up in the events that follow as first he tries to find his
> friend and find out what has happened to him, then has to battle with
> Tetsuo as his new found powers start to run out of control.  Who is
> Akira? A question that runs through the whole convoluted plot but, to
> find out, Tetsuo risks himself, his friends and the whole city.
>   The production was masterminded by Katsuhiro Otomo, and has been
> touted as one of the best productions of its type, having won awards
> around the world.  However people that are fans of the manga series
> should be aware of the compacted nature of the production.  There is
> also one attempted rape scene.
>   Originally released in the US by Streamline Pictures, later
> licenced to Geneon (aka Pioneer).  In Australia this is available from
> Madman, in the UK it is available from Manga Video.
>   [Entry by Chika]
> Industries corporation wants its prototype android back, to use as a
> war machine.  Lady Akiko, head of Mishima, wants to take her son
> Ryuunosuke from her ex-husband - preferably by force.  Ryuunosuke, on
> the run with his brilliant and eccentric father, just wants the
> friendly kitten he finds on Christmas Eve.  When it all comes
> together, the result is "Nuku Nuku" Natsume - the brain of a cat, the
> appearance of a lovely schoolgirl, and the raw power of a war machine,
> living with Ryuunosuke and 'Papa-san' as Ryuunosuke's sister and the
> family's protector.
>   The original six OAV series is nicely animated, delightful
> action-comedy.  The TV series that followed kept most of the same
> characters but changed the situations heavily, and is reported to have
> suffered from a Monster-of-the-Week plot.  The later OAV series, NUKU
> NUKU DASH, not only changed the situations but changed Nuku Nuku's
> character design and her personality from bubbly and upbeat to teary,
> and is generally considered disappointing by fans.
>   Available from ADV.
>   [Entry by Antaeus Feldspar]
>   ANGEL LINKS:  The second show in Sunrise's "Toward Stars" universe,
> but nowhere near as wide in scope as its sister series OUTLAW STAR,
> ANGEL LINKS tells the story of Li Meifon, a teenager who is named heir
> to a large interplanetary corporation on the condition that she
> operate a pirate-hunting service for free.  This seems simple enough
> on the surface, but why does Meifon already have a grave marker?
>   This is science-fantasy space opera, but not quite in the same vein
> as its sister show - the scope is much smaller than what's shown in
> OUTLAW STAR.  It's also half the length of the previous series, mainly
> because the writers didn't have to explain everything to the audience.
>   ANGEL LINKS is available as a four-DVD box set from Bandai in North
> America.
>   [Entry by Rob Kelk]
> (continued in part 2)
> -- 
> Rob Kelk <> e-mail: s/deadspam/gmail/
> Any Usenet message claiming to be from me but posted from any server
> other than is a forgery.  Please filter out such
> messages if you have the capability.

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