In order to classify the arguments better , may I suggest differentiating 
matters that are 


and those that are

LEGALIZED (or Legalised)

I will desist  copy / pasting from a dictionary , but urge people to look-up 
the definition , especially of the latter. 

Ashley, you have been the front runner in obtaining information under RTI 
against many illegal projects, and we have spent a lot of time going through 
this, and seen how things were being LEGALIZED. Saldly, in Goa , there are only 
shades of grey from illegal to legalized and then to Legal . Aldeia de Goa 
complex is a sterling example.

To give examples of such "legalization" in our own village

1. 6 mtr roads - were created and LEGALIZED

2. GADDOS and KIOSKS that are now grouted into the ground and have electricity 

3. The home next to Vincy Cordeiro - which is being "renovated", adding a over 
20 bathrooms, swimming pool etc - WILL be LEGALIZED in due course. Through the 
permission for the moment is NON- COMMERCIAL, it seems inevitable that the it 
will turn into a HOTEL.

4. The petrol pump across the crematorium WILL BE , if not already LEGALIZED.

and the list goes on and on......

The Assistant Director of panchayat has a reputation for over-riding Panchayat 
decisions and assisting in such (legalizing) processes. His endorsement of the 
tower, would cast further suspicion , if anything.


- Do you seriously expect us to believe that the tower is completely legal and 
no bribes were given to legalize it ???  15th Dec - application, 15 Dec 
Panchayat meeting, 15 Dec - NOC !!??

- Will you be able to come with us shoulder-to-shoulder in future , when we are 
trying to stop the next illegal construction / structure / project that comes 
up ?

- Being the owner of the land, can your conscience absolve you from the moral 
responsibility of what is happening in your property ?

- Will you always shirk away when the heat is too much and say that you have 
nothing to do with the project , and that one should talk to Cyril ?( who has 
conspicuously stayed away from making any firm statements or showing any 
document )

- Are the "documents" not being shown since they are under the "legalizing" 
process ? 

- Will you be able to live with the burden, should some adverse health effects 
develop in the homes of your neighbours ?  (even if it is a freak coincidence)

You have said , that you are not doing this for commercial reasons, then PLEASE 
tell us why you are undergoing this stress, when a large majority of your 
friends, neighbours and villagers are BEGGING you not to permit the tower and 
relocate it.   You said that it is a gift to the people of Saligao ! What if 
the villagers think that the gift could be poisonous ?  should you still force 
it down their throats ?

I (and surely the rest of us in Saligao) have had very high regards for you and 
your father , who have boldly taken up issues in the village. Your zeal and 
guts in spearheading the process of preparing the village level plan , shall 
never be forgotten.  It is because of this very respect and affection, that 
people are baffled that at  your disregarding the villagers' concerns and go 
against a gram sabha resolution that was once taken, to keep any mobile tower 
500 mts away from residential areas. 

Forget the LEGAL and LEGALIZED , just do the RIGHT thing !  Why should you take 
a chance ...?

Saligao cannot afford fragmentation in the team that needs to work harder 
against illegalities to come.  (Even if the tower does come up...)


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