Hello again, 
I know that Saliganvkars are at present busy with the Tower etc.  However, I 
have gleaned a little more information on "garbage" with regard to Panjim & 
Miramar.  Perhaps this will be of use when we deal with the problem in the near 
The men & women sweeping & cleaning the roads & public areas in Panjim & 
Miramar around 7.00 a.m. are not all Goans ... but by 11.30 a.m.  the roads are 
littered again.....by whom? that is anybody's guess!  The workers are not 
expected to be on the roads 24x7….cleaning…. whilst we litter the place eh?!!! 
Same goes for Saligao......yet again, "civic sense" should come to the fore. 
In the Complexes, the garbage is segregated into Wet Waste and Dry Waste. 
Complexes have a pit (constructed) for their Wet Waste & the PMC (Panjim 
Municipal Council) workers every morning check it out….they then move the 
decayed waste from one pit to another until it turns to compost which is taken 
away to be sold.  As I understand it, if there is no separate pit for Wet 
Waste, the PMC refuse to clear the "garbage" & one can only guess at the stink 
& mess the flat owners would be dealing with? 

With regard to the Dry Waste. - every Complex has perhaps 5 bins including a 
bin for medical waste (pampers/sanitory napkins, syringes etc).  The bins are 
kept at the entrance of the Complex & are labelled accordingly.  Each Complex 
is responsible for the proper segregation of their waste material and ensures 
that garbage is properly segregated into the respective bins as the "Dry Waste" 
 bins are cleared every Monday & Thursday.  If the garbage is not segregated 
the PMC do not clear the garbage... pure & simple eh?
At one point in time, the  PMC had refused to clear the garbage from the 
Hotels' area if said garbage was not segregated – Hotels were given an 
ultimatum – "segregate the waste, else get rid of the same on your own".
Now I haven’t yet stayed in Panjim/Miramar for obvious reasons, though I do 
belong to one of the Complexes there. People actually staying at present in 
Panjim/Miramar would probably be able to give us a clearer picture & the 
methods used so that the same can be followed by EveryBody (Saliganvkars) with 
the Panchayat being the "police" Body???!!!  


From: luwanne...@hotmail.com
To: saligao-net@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [SALIGAONET] Garbage at Saligao
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 12:59:19 +0000

What???!!! You were waiting for me to say my say, Christopher?   Well, well, 
well! Knew you would clarify once you saw my mail - hey hey! 

Well I agree with Albert about Ooty not using plastic etc. & have read & heard 
about other places inn India too, but since I havent seen for myself, wont get 
into such discussion.  However I have heard that Panjim City - more towards 
MiraMar side where there are various  Building Complex (Albert please note I am 
not talking about foreign lands now but about Goa itself) that there are 
various bins kept in place & the people are following same methods & it is the 
Panjim Muncipal workers who collect all this twice a week.....so if the 
Panjimites can do this, then surely Saliganvkars can do the same but it is the 
Panchayat that should be responsible, isnt it? That the workers clear up the 
Panjim roads & garbage by 7 a.m. & everything is dirty again by 11.30 a.m. is 
nobody's fault but the peoples eh? No civic sense???
Will get back on this Topic  if & when I am able to get the facts.

Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 18:41:31 -0700
From: goanch...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: RE: [SALIGAONET] Garbage at Saligao
To: saligao-net@googlegroups.com

Was waiting for you to say your say Annette.  

You are definitely right about the garbage in California and we in SF bay area 
make the ground rules. 
To start in San Francisco, use of plastic bags,  and plastic food containers 
and plasticware is banned in businesses such as grocery stores, restaurants 
etc. etc. Paper bags, reusable fiber bags like we did in the past and 
compostable food containers are the norm. Businesses violating these rules are 
Private homes are provided with 3 containers green, blue and grey.
The green is for compostable waste(garden, food, and food soiled paper)
Blue is for bottles, plastics and cardboard.
Grey is for all other garbage that cannot be recycled.
Households violating the rules are given warnings and then fined.
Here in Fairfield separating your garbage into three, green waste, plastics& 
bottles and other non recycled garbage is normal.
People do this as this is the system that has been implemented and the city 
does not have any problems.
Educating the masses and putting rules and penalties in place should be the way 
to go. But to make this all happen there has got to have a garbage company that 
has a contract with the city and has a place to sort out the garbage and send 
it to the proper recyclers.
Hazardous waste like paints, batteries, solvents, motor oils, pesticides, 
herbicides, florescent lighting etc etc. have to be brought to a hazardous 
waste recycling station and cannot be dumped in the regular garbage.
Hope this info will help set up a decent garbage system for Saligao and Goa.
Burning waste and especially plastics is extremely hazardous to your health.
Chris D

--- On Mon, 3/19/12, ANNETTE D'SOUZA <luwanne...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: ANNETTE D'SOUZA <luwanne...@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [SALIGAONET] Garbage at Saligao
To: "Saligaon Foxy news" <saligao-net@googlegroups.com>
Date: Monday, March 19, 2012, 9:23 AM

Hello Saliganvkars! 
Still trying to digest that which is being written on SaligaoNet.  I have known 
the Delaney family since the 1960's & have not known them to do anything that 
would hurt others.   Guess the Delaney's  have done their research & the Tower 
is going to be a "green" one but if the Saliganvkars dont want it "there", then 
it should be elsewhere where it doesnt affect anybody....Somewhere, somehow the 
family would have slipped up because ..... well I am not in the know & I  
wouldnt want to judge them or anybodyelse......perhaps it is a case of being 
misguided as someone put it?  I am sure things will get resolved hereafter even 
though there is ill feeling now...We are all still Saliganvkars after 
all...no-one is perfect, all make mistakes...we need to forgive..... isnt that 
what all religions teach?
However, with regard to the garbage problem, Carey has overlooked 
something.....a lot of our Saliganvkars are the same as a lot of people staying 
here in Bahrain & I say that because of my experience in Saligao & Bahrain.  
They havent changed much since I left in the early eighties....I still see the 
same going on when I am in Goa on vacation for a couple of weeks...s-a-vis 
garbage.  Yes I did see that Muscat seemed to be really clean with the roads 
being washed in the mornings - saw that in 1992 & again this year, so I guess 
could compare it with Singapore.  And they have really huge bins in Muscat - 
bigger than those we have here in Bahrain as opposed to no bins in Saligao.. 
unless they have been placed in the village now.  
Garbage is a problem in Bahrain too - sorry Carey, you didnt get to see the 
mess? in various areas of Bahrain including where I stay.  & it is the people 
to blame.  Have told verbally, have commented (even to those in the 
neighbouring buildings) but all seem lazy, they just dump their garbage bags 
(sometimes sealed, sometimes open) outside their house or building even though 
the garbage bin is close by. (And these are not just Indians...but also 
Bahrainis, Filipinos & Africans, so......). The cats & rats  have a good time 
(yes rats have become a menace in many areas of Bahrain even though once upon a 
time we didnt see much of them - not exaggerating but some of the rats are as 
big as cats). Our watchman & I have tried our best & done what others try also 
(check out Pages 14 & 15th of the Bahrain daily newspaper dated yesterday 18th 
March) http://www.gulf-daily-news.com  good photos too & you will know what I 
mean -  nothing works - I put it down to "no civic sense" or perhaps the 
interior of their homes are as filthy as the exterior or they dont believe that 
cleanliness is next to godliness ....I do see them all visiting the Church, 
Temple & Mosque....?????!!!.  By the way, in Bahrain,  there are separate bins 
in various areas, labelled - Plastic, Glass & the usual Garbage but who bothers 
to separate??? If the Saliganvkars I have dealt with in the past are anything 
to go by,  then we have the same problem as we have here.  We do have areas for 
placing things for recycling including plastic & paper & cans, so some of us do 
that, but most are ........lazy.  If one can change the mind of Saliganvkars 
(as was done in the case of the "Mobile Tower") then garbage will no longer 
pose a problem & any efforts made in this direction will be welcome I would 
think. M&M should be able to get the people to rally around eh?  & the 
separation of garbage should be made initially, later will be too late as all 
will get dumped in one bin as is being continued here.  Bad habits die hard, so 
to say....  

One place where I have seen garbage being disposed of properly without 
inconveniencing one's neighbours (probably in the rest of the world too, I 
wouldnt know) was way back in 1984 - California.  One had to place one's 
garbage outside one's house only a little before 6 a.m. when the garbage truck 
came by to collect the same.  & anything to do with fish, whether bones, left 
overs, entrails etc. had to be neatly packed & kept in one's freezer & then 
left out early  morning along with the rest of the garbage to be collected.  
Seemed to work fine.  Chris, you must be doing the same eh?
Of course in Goa, one cant be sure if one's daily food items will get frozen or 
defrosted (depending on the power being available of course)...so the above 
wouldnt work in Saligao! 
Allwyn, I like your idea of getting back to days of old when we used to plant 
gherkins,  beans, sweet pumpkin in our backyards.  People still do plant those 
& a lot more here. So Saliganvkars could start again eh?  However, cabbage is 
not considered a healthy vegetable for some people with medical problems.  

Oh oh! Schubert - you are right, all the burning we tend to do leads to the air 
getting polluted/poisoned as is going on now - only here it is not garbage 
being burnt but garbage bins & tyres... in many areas.  The Towers (not one or 
two) are also close by to most of us, (sometimes just a building away)  but the 
Govt. has got its stock in trade answer from those concerned that the radiation 
is much below the limits. I am sure M&M & others got the same answer ..... but 
the Saliganvkars' thoughts go further than the "now"... they are thinking about 
their children & grandchildren which is only right......since we stay here, we 
have to put up with garbage & Towers  the latter came up in our area in 2008.  
Nice touch Schubert - I like it..Goa Eiffel Tower with a rotating restaurant at 
the top..... but away from the residential areas please.  I agree that we do 
need the Tower else our phones, mobiles dont work anyway..so I am sure all will 
work out fine, finally. 
All the best to one & all
Well said  Foxmax , Carey and Allwyn - for once there are guys out there who 
have a bit of humour left !
Now regarding the garbage Carey its not only in the Mid.East but all over the 
world that garbage is never a problem except in our dear old Goa ! 
Instead of doing shadow boxing and fighting the mobile tower how about meeting 
up and talking across the table one to one and resolve the issue ? Actually 
this should have been done in the initial stages and not allowing it to fester 
upto a point when the poor blokes invest and then we all tear down the 
structure !! Now the only solution I can think of suggesting to you guys is to 
shift the tower to a different location ( my friend D.Pereira can help you with 
this ) and maybe convert the new structure into some kind of lucrative tourist 
venture like the Goan Effel Tower with maybe a nice restaurant ( rotating type 
) at the top !!
Hey M &M save some of your breath and strength dear to take on the culprits 
discharging and burning sewage and garbage all over Goa  Remember plastic 
pollution ( Burning of hazardous waste in public areas ) is more dangerous and 
lifethreatening only next to radiation !!
God Bless Goa


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 19:01:45 -0700
From: goanch...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: [SALIGAONET] Garbage at Saligao
To: saligao-net@googlegroups.com

I differ with you in only one thing about no place where plastic is banned. We 
banned the use of plastic bags in stores in San Francisco and have a active 
recycling for all plastic. Other than that, I agree that there is a point in 
time that words have to be left behind for action. Britto's Motto Facta non 
Verba (Action not words) is where we should be. 
Chris D

--- On Fri, 3/16/12, carey cordeiro <carey.corde...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: carey cordeiro <carey.corde...@hotmail.com>
Subject: [SALIGAONET] Garbage at Saligao
To: saligao-net@googlegroups.com
Date: Friday, March 16, 2012, 7:05 AM

Dear Saligaokars,
I have been to Muscat, Bahrain, Kuwait and presently in Dubai. But trust me, it 
has been declared that Muscat happens to be the second cleanest city in the 
world after Singapore.
I have read lots of emails on garbage issues and yes we can definitely emerge 
with a solution to eradicate this garbage menace in Saligao.

We cannot ban plastic items and start paper bags, no way!. No where in the 
world plastic is banned and there are no paper bags but garbage is handled in 
the right manner.
Our Saligao Panchayat needs to play a very important and active role in this 
matter with the assistance of our local elected MLA. Tough job for him.
Panchayat needs to recruit 9 labourers, one for each ward to be paid on a 
monthly basis. MLA's involvement is a must to bring in the required funds. No 
garbage tax please!.
Each labourer needs to be given the charge of each ward to move around every 
nook and corner and start cleaning from 08 hrs until 17 hrs with one hour break 
for his lunch.
This collection of plastic needs to be placed in garbage bags, tied and placed 
into the garbage bins.

Before implementing the above we need volunteers from Saligao to start the 
campaign of "Operation Plastic Free" so that it will ease out the burden of the 
labourers and give
them ample time to cover up the entire ward on a daily basis.
This is what is happening in the middle east. They have duties starting from 07 
hrs until 16 hrs and from 15 hrs until 12 midnight. 
We at Saligao can't implement these timings due to poor electricity problems 
and no proper lighting.
We need to place large garbage bins every 100 meters at strategic points so 
that people can drop their daily house garbage well tied into these bins.
These garbage bins needs to be picked up by the muncipality trucks before 06 
hrs on a daily basis.
Panchayat needs to educate the people on this front. They need to conduct 
weekly meetings in every ward, fix notices of garbage dumping procedures on 
every single door.
They need to monitor their attendance by way of signing against their house 
numbers and make sure atleast one Saligaokar from each house attends, who in 
turn will guide the rest
of the family members.
Most of the MLA's should go on a tour at their own cost, to see whats happening 
in the other part of the world and that's how you grab ideas. 
Hoping this batch of MLA's will keep Goa clean.

Fond regards,
Carey Cordeiro



Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 14:58:20 +0800
From: allwineshineholid...@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: [SALIGAONET] Our Re-elected Saligao Constiuency MLA.......
To: saligao-net@googlegroups.com

Dear Albert 
Just like they did in the Regional plan etc - all Goans should unite in their 
fight against Garbage 
start kitchen  gardens and grow healthy vegetables like Knorkols , tambdi bhaji 
and cabbage ,
Biodegradable items can go into the compost pit ,
If we start eating healthier vegetables and fruits we will keep healthy and fit 

--- On Thu, 15/3/12, Albert Desouza <alizadeso...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Albert Desouza <alizadeso...@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [SALIGAONET] Our Re-elected Saligao Constiuency MLA.......
To: saligao-net@googlegroups.com
Date: Thursday, 15 March, 2012, 1:41 PM

Garbage problem cannot be solved. To solve this problem we should first ban 
plastic completely. In village of saligao if we learn to dig a hole and dump in 
it the biogradable componnents we do not have any need to rid of garbage. beWe 
need to plant some trees around our house and dump the remants into it. Use 
paper bags . Use glass bottles instead of plastic bottles .The government must 
have a will to act. In Mapuca where we live in flats we have very little space 
and we cannot plant any trees because we are not the complete owners. But in 
villages every house owner is the sole owner and not a share holder albert  

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