Louis Jude Vaz <https://www.facebook.com/louis.j.vaz?fref=nf>

5 hrs <https://www.facebook.com/groups/saligaonet/permalink/10152895270604105/>


Dear Saligaokars,

As President of The Saligao Institute I have called for an Extraordinary General body Meeting on Sunday 7th Dec '14 at 4.00 pm. to discuss action to be taken regarding illegal construction in a plot that belonged to The St. Cajetan Chapel but is on lease to The Saligao Institute since 10th June 1968 & according to form I & IV belongs to The Saligao Institute.

On seeing the construction being done I have lodged a complaint with the Panchayat & with the Police & temporarily stopped any further work being done. Being Chapel/Institute property, all members of both institutions have the right to decide what to do with it, subject to clearance from the bishop before taking the liberty giving it away.

The local panchayat representative who is doing the illegal construction has convinced few members from both Chapel & Institute committees that having allegedly spent over Rs. One Lakh on construction so far, he should be allowed to continue, even though he himself admits not legally owning the plot. Some members with integrity & conscience from both committees as well as the Chapel Confraria have also repeatedly warned him in the past not to construct, till proper clearances are obtained.

As a conscientious elected custodian of this legacy left to us by our ancestors which I feel should be preserved for future generations, I earnestly request all members to be present at this meeting as this could set a precedent for dishing out more land to whosoever decides to construct elsewhere in the property & then claim compensation or force a sale of the portion.

I hope you, as a concerned & responsible member, will spare some of your valuable time to attend this crucial meeting.



The Saligao Institute

Louis Vaz

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   Aparna Jayant Shah <https://www.facebook.com/aparna.j.shah>,Zelma K.
   De Souza <https://www.facebook.com/zelma.desouza>and2 others
   Rosario Noronha
   <https://www.facebook.com/rosario.noro.3?fref=ufi>spending money to
   construct something on a plot of land not belonging to you is
   plainly illegal. you cannot justify that you should be allowed to go
   ahead as you have invested some money in an illegality. this sort of
   argument is meant to appeal to emotions to obtain pity. it should
   not be tolerated.
   4 hrs
   Maurice de Souza
   <https://www.facebook.com/maurice.desouza.7?fref=ufi>I agree
   withRosario Noronha <https://www.facebook.com/rosario.noro.3>.
   4 hrs
   Aparna Jayant Shah
   <https://www.facebook.com/aparna.j.shah?fref=ufi>Same thing in
   salmona vado ..seems like the same panch meber ..taking money from
   salmona vado people n.giving permission/patronage to build in govt
   rain water gully ..a small.syrip adjunct to.106/6 earlier owned by
   summet chopra orchard land now sold
   4 hrs
   Ashley Delaney <https://www.facebook.com/ashleywiz?fref=ufi>I'm not
   there for the meeting as i'm out for the weekend - however i
   totallly agree with your viewsLouis Jude Vaz
   <https://www.facebook.com/louis.j.vaz>, can you count me as a
   virtual vote to stop the said construction?
   14 mins

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