28th October, 2003 was a day of great rejoicing for Saligao village and  His 
Grace Most   Rev.  Raul  Nicolau Gonsalves, Archbishop Patriarch came to preside over 
the Ordination Ceremony of Rev. Deacon 
George Dias whom he ordained as Priest.  Rev. Parish Priest Franciscio Ataide received 
the Prelate at the Entrance door of Mae de Deus Church, Saligao  and escorted  His 
Grace to the transept of the Church where after a brief visit to the Blessed Sacrament 
was led to the parish hall to dress for the Ordination mass. The Saligao choir under 
the baton of the Assistant Priest, Rev. Fr. Andrew Mascarenhas rendered hymns 
befitting the solemn ceremony and ended with  the famous  O Brilhante…
Accompanied by the 43 concelebrants among them Fr. Almir de Souza from Vhoddlem 
Morodd, Fr. Desmond de Souza, from Nigvaddo, Fr. John da Silva from Muddavaddi and 
yours truly from Tabravaddo-Mollebhatt including Fr. Sertorio Rodrigues former Parish 
Priest of Saligao as well as Frs. Amandio Valadares, Evaristo da Gama and Joe 
Rodrigues all three Curates of Saligao of by gone years. Behind them walked the new 
candidate for the priesthood Rev. Geoge Dias, from Muddavaddi. He was the cynosure of 
all eyes. There were also nuns and brothers and a strong crowd of about one thousand 
people, among them 400 from Tilomola, near Quepem in South Goa where Rev. George did 
his service as deacon till recently.   
The ceremony started on time at 4. p.m. On the altar on both the sides of the 
Archbishop was the Rev. PP of Saligao and Fr. Eremito Monte Rebello, Professor of 
Rachol Seminary, representing the Rector of that institute. The Gospel was read by 
Deacon Geoge Dias and soon after Fr. Eremito called on  the candidate to come forward 
and Rev.George replied I am present. Fr Eremito requested  His Grace to ordain him as 
priest. However the Prelate asked if  he was worthy to be ordained a priest to which 
the representative of Rev. Rector of Rachol Seminary said: After having asked the 
faithful of Saligao and his Superiors regarding Geoge Dias, it was found that the 
candidate is worthy to be ordained priest.
 Then followed  the homily by the Prelate on the theme chosen by Rev. George : Tujea 
Hatant mhoji Seva(I Place My Service In Your Hands) and the Sung Litany of All the 
Saints with Rev. George prostrated on the ground and all others kneeling around him. 
It was a very moving moment. The Prelate prayed over the candidate and placed his 
hands over him and commanded the other priests present to lay their hands followed by 
the Prayer of Consecration.Each priest in turn layed their hands on Rev. George.  
Fr. Amandio Valadares was the priest chosen to dress him with proper vestments of the 
priest. Then the candidate was anointed with holy oil of the Sacrament of the Holy 
Order and his mother Mrs.Maria A. Dias washed the anointed hands of her son. Returning 
to the Prelate again, bread and wine with chalice were placed in his hands after 
making the three vows of obedience, chastity and poverty. This ceremony ended with a  
Kiss of Peace by the Prelate ,the priests and his near and dear ones. 
Fr. George after accepting the offertory gifts brought to the altar by his loved ones 
and his former teacher Sr. Adelaide Pais, took his place at the altar along with his 
other 11 companions ordained till this date. (Another 2 will be ordained soon). The 
middle altar looked majestic. The singing and prayers were soul lifting. Some cried 
with tears of joy. The whole ceremony almost took more than two hours but not before 
the Rev. Vicar and Fr. George thanked one and all. The Archbishop wished Fr. George, 
the villagers of Saligao, including the PP and his Assistant, the mother, other near 
and dear ones of Rev. Fr. George as well the Superiors of Saligao and Rachol 
Seminaries before the final blessing. The entire ceremony was telecast on close 
circuit to the faithful seated in various parts of the church as well as in the 
compound of the church.After the ceremony all the priests and  nuns , brothers 
,seminarians and choir members were given snacks and soft drinks in the hall while the 
other faithful were feasted with the same near the stage. As a remembrance a colourful 
holy picture and a mass booklet were offered to all as Souvenirs.The first ordination 
ceremony was held during the Centenary celebration of our Church on 29th 
April,1973.The present parish priest of St. Andrew’s Church, Vasco da Gama, Rev. 
Fr. Remedios Brito Furtado from Mapuca was ordained then. This present ordination of 
Fr. George Dias at Saligao is the first of the new millennium and the second one. May 
God and Mae de Deus bless the new priest. Saligao is happy !
           Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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