Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
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Calangute continues to dump waste at Saligao...

Calangute panchayat is yet to put into action the directives of the High
Court Order regarding disposal of waste at the Saligao plateau despite
more than six months having gone by, affected villagers have alleged.
Saligao Civic and Consumer Cell (SCCC) president Trevor Delaney told
Herald that when he and other members of the SCCC recently visited the
existing garbage disposal site of the Calangute Panchayat, they observed
that no segregation of waste was being carried out.

Delaney said "one person was collecting PET bottles after paying a fee
to the panchayat for access to the dump. Organic waste was not being
treated or composted. There was no fenced area for plastic and no separate
facility for medical waste. The entire garbage dump was also on fire."
This is in violation of the HIgh Court order dated July 30, 2003 which
allows the Calangute Panchayat to continue dumping garbage subject
to certain conditions, he charged.

It may be recalled that the Court directed the Calangute Village Panchayat
to appoint a full time Manager to supervise and process the garbage. This
Manager was given the duty to organise the segregation and management
of wastes at the site.

The process included the immediate treatment of organic waste with
microbial agents or any other effective microorganisms, and wet garbage
was to be thereafter composted.

A fenced area was to be created for plastics and the same was to be
periodically sent for re-cycling. A separate facility was to be maintained
for medical wastes if brought to the site.The order also stipulates that
no garbage is to be burnt.

Mapusa-based environmental organisation's Dr Claude Alvares said the
Calangute Panchayat has not put up proper disposal arrangements for
the garbage brought to the site.The government as well has not taken
any measures to ensure that the directions are complied with, he claims.

Others too: Department of Science, Technology and Environment director
Dr N P S Varde had filed an application in the Panjim Bench of the Bombay
High Court for modification of the High Court order dated July 30, 2003 to
the extent of allowing other Panchayats, including those of Candolim,
Saligao and Arpora to use the site at Saligao plateau for dumping of
garbage, instead of Calangute Panchayat alone.

The application filed by Dr Varde states that "...the present site is also
being used by the Panchayats of Candolim, Saligao and Arpora for
disposal of garbage generated within their respective jurisdictions."
Surprisingly, this application contradicts the High Court order which
states "..the present site at Saligao Plateau is presently used only
by Calangute Panchayat.."

The application has been opposed by the Goa Foundation mainly on
the grounds on non-implementation of the directives of the above
mentioned judgment by the Calangute Panchayat.

The Goa Foundation said that the Court permitted the Calangute
Panchayat to use the site for disposal of its garbage provided it
complied with the specific directions given.

It has also been opposed on the grounds that the State had no
locus to file the application, which should have been filed by the
relevant Panchayats as they are autonomous statutory bodies with
adequate powers to file such applications. It is learnt that the State
has now withdrawn its application.
HERALD 14/2/04 page 9

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
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                      website: www.goadesc.org
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