Dear Saligaonetters,

Paul Fernandes, the chief reporter of Gomantak Times, who interviewed the 
birthday boy ;-) for his paper was kind enough to email us an e-copy of his 
piece.  We reproduce it verbatim.


108 NOT OUT!
By Paul Fernandes 

PANAJI: Anthony Sebastiao Remedios has literally bridged the 20th century. 
Born at the turn of the 19th  century, the Saligao resident has seen the last 
one tick by and is still alive and kicking in the 21st. 

He may be a little hard of hearing and unable to walk, but Goaâs arguably 
oldest citizen is not only in good cheer and health but also possesses a 
phenomenal passion for life at 108. 

Living a quiet life with his daughter and son-in-law at the foot of the hill 
in Molembhat, he is perhaps unaware of the buzz in the village and the 
birthday celebrations  planned by his kin and parishioners for its seniormost 
resident. â We will present him 108 roses after a thanksgiving mass at the 
house on Friday morning,â says Joaquim DâMello, a parishioner. 

Born in Salmona, Saligao on 19 March, 1896, he did his schooling in the 
village. Says Lucy Cordeiro, his son-in-lawâs mother, âHe studied Primeiro 
and Segundo Grau (in Portuguese) and migrated to the metropolis in 1908â. He 
studied up to fourth standard (equivalent of eight standard) at St Xavierâs 
in Bandra.  

Five years later, he left for Uganda in April, 1913. He worked as a clerk in a 
bank and later took up a government job.  He loved life in the African 
continent and often recounts his experiences there. He returned to Goa after 
his retirement in 1953 and started a quiet life here. âHe still receives his 
pension,â says Lucy.    

He had married Severina in Goa and had three children, Napoleao (Canada) 
Dennis and Linda (Canada) from her, and Ria Rina from his second wife Alina, 
who died only four years back.  He has 19 grandchildren and 5 great 

Soon after his return, he suffered from a cardiac problem and had to be 
hospitalised.  But subsequently, his health has been stable.  A doctor is 
called sometimes to check him up routinely. 

What is the secret of his life? His great grandchild Annmay who spends a lot 
of time with him relays my question. âDreaming the whole night,â he says 
jocosely. Jokes apart, he had no vices. His dietary and other habits are 
regular -- tea at 6 am, breakfast at 8 pm, lunch at 1 pm, tea  at 4 pm and 
dinner at around 7 pm. He goes to sleep by 7.30 or 8 pm. He wants his food on 
time and his advice to the others is to do likewise.  

 âHe loves potato chops,â says Annmay whom he calls `Antâ. He takes less of 
rice but eats more of dry food -- bread and butter, biscuits, chips and cake 
and half of a Moira  banana at every meal. 

Only recently, he started downing a small shot of brandy with some hot water. 
Says DâMello, âHe has a good appetiteâ.  

Remediosâ knowledge and zest for life amazes villagers. Says Mario 
Mascarenhas, âHe is an absolute storehouse of the village oral history and I 
am yet to encounter another oral historian like him. He has got dates and 
events, and family historiesâ. 

While he spends time sitting and sleeping in bed, he loves to talk to anybody 
who is around. He often goes down memory lane. Tuning to the radio for news 
and music keeps him entertained. He loved animals and had kept five cats a 
couple of years back when he could walk.. For exercise, he keeps moving 
himself in a rotating motion. 

For a man who think every day is precious, his advice is simple, âKeep on 
trying whatever you are doingââ he says. 

Bostu as he is known locally is not really tired of life. He told a visitor to 
the house that he wants to live 50 years more. When this reporter  popped the 
question, he said with a twinkle in his eyes, âAnother 108 yearsâ. 


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