Annette's mail throws up so many issues for debate, so to avoid getting 
swamped, I'll take just one.

She mentioned that she read nothing in the websites and media about the 
social festivities in  Saligao, scheduled for early May (feast, dance, 
etc). That's the tragedy. After being involved in the media myself for the 
past twenty years (fast growing old!) one has to admit that the papers 
here seem to have little space for local and village-level coverage.

Some 2-3 news outlets have opened up on cable TV, offering news in Konkani 
for about half-hour each day. But here too, the problem lies with 
definition: politics is news, all the rest isn't.

If at all we want to change this situation, we need to start (i) working 
to put even village-level news on the agenda and (ii) making sure that 
these stories get written on in the first place.

To tackle the second issue first, I think very few people actually write. 
We're not doing anything to solve this situation. And encouraging young 
people to write isn't very difficult -- on the contrary, it's addictive. 
Once they start writing and gain confidence, they usually won't stop.

Fact is, since the untimely death of Tipri, sometime in the 'eighties, I 
think, there has been no local journalist covering Saligao on a regular 
basis. Francis Ribeiro has been reporting on local issues off and on, but 
his job is primarily sports. People like Norman Dantas, a very capable 
journalist whom I had a lot of respect for, died too early and he was more 
at the upper end of the editorial hierarchy (both at Herald and, 
earlier, Goa Today of which his dad was a co-owner) and hence not into 
village-based reporting. Savio D'Souza of Donvaddo has been with both 
Herald and Gomantak Times, but largely on the editorial desk (there is a 
near water-tight division between writers and editorial people in India, 
in keeping with the British categorisation of work). As for myself, when 
associated with papers like the Herald in Goa, it has been mainly on the 
editorial side; and for much of my own stint I've been writing for the 
outstation media.

So, in a word, we badly need to be encouraging young people to write. 
We've tried to encourage young people to read (with the magazine section 
that has been going strong at Lourdes Convent for the past four years, for 
instance), but now we've got to go a step forward. If our youngsters don't 
become 'producers' of information, they'll just be consigned to the fate 
of being mere consumers of it. A recipe for mental colonialisation.

Incidentally, I remember the SALIGAO BULLETIN (hope the name is correctly 
rendered) brought out by a senior citizen (was it Hubert D'Souza?) and 
sold in our classrooms via teachers like Miss Ida of Mollembhat, who 
taught us in the second standard at Lourdes Convent! The guys must have 
been bold to bring out such a publication in those times, when printing 
was a far far more difficult task, in a world without computers. If one 
recalls right, the price for the six or eight pages was 15 paise. 

I'm sure the veterans on this list would have more stories to tell. (That 
reminds me, the book SALIGAO published in the 'seventies, is probably 
awaiting an update too.) FN
Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa, India
f r e d @ b y t e s f o r a l l . o r g 
Ph 832.2409490 / 832.2409783 Cell 9822 122436
Phone calls: preferably from 1300 to 0500 (IST)
Try landlines is mobile is temporarily unavailable
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