I wouldn't say that the fault is with individuals. Rather it is with the 
lack of a system by which people are encouraged to write. Writing must 
become a habit -- and an enjoyable activity -- or else we simply won't 
have any writers around.

In a world of televised images, where it is far easier to become a 
'downloading society' rather than an 'uploading' one, we need to remind 
ourselves that writing our own stories is an important and self-defining 
activity that is absolutely essential.

Above all, we need a mechanism to train young people to enjoy writing. If 
this happense, we could have many younger generation journalists from 
Saligao. If anyone is willing to undertake the organisational side, I am 
willing to volunteer my time. This could bring in huge returns in the 
years ahead. 

As I always mention, one of the three reasons I became a journalist and 
found a profession I enjoy is because of the Saligao Institute reading 
room, especially the few magazines and papers (India Today, Times of 
India) papers that came in in the 'seventies. FN

On Mon, 17 May 2004, daniel francis Souza wrote:
Keeping aside the print media at the moment and the newsreports that are carried by 
them, what the Saligaonetters and specially those residing outside would like to see 
and read are some news reports posted at regular intervals on the village and 
happenings in and around. 

I do not have the details of how many Saligao netters based in Saligao are having 
access to the computer, but, It would be appreciated if a few of them could really hit 
the keys on the keyboard and send some postings to the Saligao net.

It is sad to see that net has become very silent and there is nothing worthwhile being 
discussed whatsoever. Is everyone on the net so very busy that they have nothing to 
discuss or express in writing?

Can we now see some more saligao based postings on the net please??

Saligao has been blessed with several journalists and writers, I hope they make some 
time for the net and do regular postings. 

Albert too has remained a silent spectator for too long now.

Perhaps Fred could start a thread on any issue that he thinks needs a broad based 
dscussion, and that would set the ball rolling.

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