Here are another few games we played during our good old days which are slowly dying in Goa.


DORCHEANIM( Game of Running to Catch)

Running around and catching a player was a common game played by the children. These were in different variance like ( !) Lock and Key( 2) Catching Cook (3)Blind Man’s Buff or ( 5) Playing at Corners( Konxeamnnim) .


 1 .In case of “LOCK and KEY”, the ‘den’ runs after the players, and if anyone feels he is going to get caught he sits down and ‘ locks’ himself. He now becomes immune to ‘den’s’ touch. For this player to start running, again, another player had to come and touch him, and that is the ‘key’ to unlock him. If the ‘den’ is successful in catching a player, before he sat, then this one would become a ‘den’


2. In “CATCHING COOK”, the ‘den’ has to catch any player to replace him.


3. In “ APA-- LIPA”( Hide & Seek), the ‘den’ has to find out where the other players are hidden. There is a spot marked for the ‘den’ to wait with closed eyes till the other players hide themselves. No sooner they say ‘ready’ the player has to embark on his hunt. The players could, in the meantime, come to the ‘spot’ and touch it to get out of the game.


4 .BLIND MAN”S BUFF is played by any number of players, who stay around in a circle, with a ‘den’ to catch them. However, the ‘den’ in this case is blind-folded. If he is able to catch any player, then the latter replaces the ‘den’.


5. Playing At Corners Or Pillars( KONXEAMNIM)---In this game each player would occupy spot at a corner or a pillar or simply a circle marked on the floor. The ‘ den’ would go round to find any spot vacated by any player to find another spot while the players exchange the spots. The ‘ den’ would hit on the head with his hand and say “Tel, tel. Mateak tel’ whilst going round.


 Compiled by Fr.Nascimento Mascarenhas

Vasco da Gama 08-06-2004..


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