Dear Saligaonetekars,

On Tuesday 08 Jun 2004 2:45 pm, Val Souza wrote:

> Then there's the editing, photography, design, paper quality and costing 
> decisions, publish-ing, print-ing, distribution plan, etc.
> Now that some interest is forthcoming from othes on the list, we seem ready 
> to take it forward.

Things cannot get more professional than Val's kind of inputs!

On the same plane, Shanon (Yvonne Ezdani's eldest daughter, married to Julian 
D'Souza, both of Arrarim - Rico/Louis can you describe her more accurately?) 
sent the following mail to Rico and us.  

We quote it here with her permission:

<<Hi Rico,
I too am normally a passive reader on the Saligaonet, but on hearing about
Fr Nasciment's book, I would like to offer my services too.
I do digital imaging, as in retouching, restoration & editing of
photographs etc, & would love to do something of this kind, now that I will
be in Goa for the next few months...
Another thing I thought of suggesting to Rico was if we used photographs
taken out by Saligaokars, in the past, or present, as I think we would get
the best collection of photos with real soul & nostalgia this way....
Sometimes love for your homeland makes you see things in a different light, & 
we would all have our perspective of things making it more interesting....

With Saligaonetters like Rico, Zelma & Perviz, Val, Shannon and others the 
visions of a professional, hi-tech (but hopefully low cost) book seem to be 
taking shape.  We ourselves will do some proofing, editing and camera 
work if needed.  We have some digital pix of the village and can take 
whatever else is needed to complete the book (with someone's camera, as ours 
decided to Rest In Peace some months ago).

This way, the book can be a *common* Labour Of Love...and as Shannon wistfully 
pictures it, of "Soul & Nostalgia" too!



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