This is rom: * Zelma G DeSouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Rico...

Incidentally, Abu Dhabi has quite a few Saligaokars, possibly more than
Dubai. To name a few,  Nancy, Jason and Trevor D'Gama, Victoria Family 
near your place,  Charmaine, also your neighbour, Desire, Avito and 
Arlette, Lizzy. Then there's Ruth Lobo too from Abreu Vaddo in Kuwait, we 
keep in touch often.

I am not in close contact with all the Saligaokars here but can make
contact with most of them, find out telephone nos or meet some of them
at Church here after mass and speak to them about the book.

        Thanks a lot Zelma. Just try to get their 
        email addresses, and, if they're willing,
        we could have an expanded Saligaonet.

        Incidentally Val de Souza is the editor of
        Express Computer, a specialist magazine from
        the Indian Express group in Mumbai. He is a
        veteran in the field of editing, having brought
        out a number of publications -- including, for
        awhile, his LIVING COMPUTERS magazine, a very
        nice product for beginners in the field. BTW
        he also happens to be the son of Patrocino
        de Souza, the co-author of the book of
        Saligao in the 'seventies.

Maybe the book on Saligao needs a mix of nostalgia and some looking ahead. 
What are the problems facing the village currently, what can be done to 
improve the lot of the average Saligaokar (that is, whoever's staying in 
the village) and issues facing its expats. FN   

Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa, India
f r e d @ b y t e s f o r a l l . o r g 
Ph 832.2409490 / 832.2409783 Cell 9822 122436
784 Near Lourdes Convent, Sonarbhat, Saligao 403511 Goa 
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