These are the last games  in the Series ‘ The Games We and Our Ancestors Played’.


‘Pottio’( Stick And Stone).

This game can be played by any number of players, but a  minimum of two players are required. One player who is at the ‘ den’ holds the stick horizontally in his hands and the other player has to throw the stick down by using his own stick and then before he   is caught   by the ‘den’ has to touch the tip of his stick on a stone and keep it there. If his stick is not on the stone and he   is caught by the ‘den’ then he is out. The players go on pushing the ‘den’s’ stick with their own and while in the process if the ‘den’ catches any player, he is out. He has now to be the new ’den’. The game continues till the players feel bored or it is time to go home.


‘Langddi’( Hopping Game).

In this game there are two teams playing with each other. The playing field is square in shape. Players of one team stand in the square, while the opponents play the game by sending one player at a time into the ground. The player has to hop(‘langddi’), get into the square and try to catch or touch as many players as possible and come out of the square. The players which are touched have to leave the square. In case he puts his second foot down, before crossing the line, he is out. The  next set is played by changing the position of the teams. The set is over when all players of either side are out.


P.S. A variants on ‘Koindo Bal and Sonnamnim’ were inadvertently  omitted:’ When the opponents replies ‘kollie’, the ‘bal’ is shot out. If   any opponents catches the ‘bal’ then the player is out. If they do not catch and the ‘bal’ falls on the ground  then  the player places the ‘koindo’ more or less one foot at the back of the small slit and one of the opponents  tries to hit  the’ koindo’. If he succeeds to hit  the ‘koindo’ with the ‘bal ‘then the player is out, if he does not hit then the player strikes the bal three times and from the place where the bal is hit and reaches that distance to the small slit is counted with the ‘koindo’for points( Koindo= four or five ‘balam’) But if player is unable to hit the ‘bal’ from the ground with the ‘koindo’ even after trying three times, then the player is out. The points are however agreed upon like 100, 200,  before the games starts.etc. The variant of ‘Sonnamnim’is same as the above The variant in also scoring the points and a consequent penalty is held by players winning the  game… etc.. 


Compiled by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas

Vasco da Gama, 10-06-2004.


References and Notes on all the above Games:

Pereira, Agnelo in “ Vignettes of Fading Traditions”Bombay, 1995.

Rodrigues, Maria de Lourdes Bravo da Costa, in’ Mirror?( Herald), Panjim on Sunday, 6th July, 1997.’

Gomes, Olivinho. J.F. in ‘ Village Goa’, New Delhi, 1987.

Other Periodicals and Magazines and inputs by Mrs. Berlinda Caldeira, Vasco and Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas,Vasco/ Saligao.

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