Succinctly put - Val !! Bravo.
Now , I think we have reached the limit of managing things in cyberspace. We must meet in person to brainstorm and come to some conclusions and formulate an action plan.
I volunteer my office / home as a venue for this meeting. Fred or Val can you please be the convener , fix the date, quorum/ invitees, agenda and venue.
office  : 2407066, 7
home  : 2409935
mobile: 3116638
----- Original Message -----
From: "Val Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: [saligaonet] project co-ordinator

Thanks, Sanjeev. I guess suitability for co-ordinating a particular project
would depend on the person's areas of expertise, location, time
availability, etc.

>Project Co-ordinator - great idea !!!
>I don't mind volunteering for a project that I can handle.

Personally, I would like to volunteer as project co-ordinator for the
Saligao Book project. In this case, I think it's for Fr Nascimento to decide
whom he would like to have as co-ordinator, and if he feels that someone
else (like Mario & Muriel for instance) would be better suited, then I would
certainly support them and still help out with the concept and editing as

I forgot to mention in the previous mail that while a project co-ordinator
is expected to be responsible and accountable, I feel that he or she should
also be given full authority to take decisions pertaining to the project,
once appointed -- even though some others might have differing opinions on
the decisions taken.

As far as I can recollect, the pending projects that have been talked about
on the list are as follows:

1. Saligao Book (authored by Fr Nascimento)
2. Map of Saligao village
3. Children's Park
4. Saligao website (it's been static and unchanged since 1998!)
5. Weekly news snippets from the village
6. Computer Club
7. Fitness Centre
8. Road Naming

Please add to this list, share your thoughts, volunteer -- whatever!

Best wishes,

- Val

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