While most of the raw material for a book exists (Fr Nascimento's output is truly voluminous!) there is a need to decide what exactly will go in, what the theme will be, etc, etc. Then there's the editing, photography, design, paper quality and costing decisions, publishing, printing, distribution plan, etc.

We're talking of producing a highly professional volume here, one that every Saligaokar -- wherever in the world he or she may be -- would be proud to possess, read and 'show off'. (Of course, somehow, we also need to give the book a more general appeal, else the print run would be too small to make the project financially viable).

I had already briefly discussed all this with Fr Nascimento some time ago and volunteered to do the editing and provide other requisite professional inputs. However, due to work and other pressures I have not yet been able to devote enough time to this project yet. Now that some interest is forthcoming from othes on the list, we seem ready to take it forward.

A project of this nature would involve substantial time and effort. My estimate is about 6-9 months, if we are to do a really good job. I suggest we target release of the book to coincide with the Church feast next May (giving all of us ample time to fine-tune every aspect of the book to perfection).

Fr Nascimento, it's for *you* to decide how *you* would like to proceed. Once you do that, I'm sure we'll all be able to get together and come out with something spectacular.


- Val

Dear Mario & Muriel,
Thank you very much placing your thoughts on Saligaonet. Yes photography is
my main corcern . I may ask Dyanita Singh to help me as I know her well.
There may be Salikaokars from diaspora willing to support financially the
book if it is presented to them in better format and also edit by you, Val
etc  than what I wrote and use the money for a good purpose and project on
Saligao.My contribution is to Saligao and I am only trying to contribute
what I received from the village and villagers by way of history, music.
etc. God bless you both. Much love, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 1:00 AM
Subject: [saligaonet] Fr. Nasciment's Book On Saligao.

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