Hi annette
okie dokie.. the cyber was going slow and i clicked send twise.. sorry..
thats why 2 messges..
i agre with fred about his suggestions.. i have anbsolutly no probs with val
as the head as there is no other like him as qualified.. however i am only
worried that with time constrains that he faces , added to his being in
mumbai.. will the work of the book go as smoothly than if we had a local
acting as a co-ordinator?? think about it..
my bday is onh 26tha nd i'll be turning 23. no taboo in telling you. :-)
i've got 6-10 emails from diff people in the last 2 weeks asking about the
websote and updating it. zelma, clifford, ben etc.. please hold on.. i dont
have time now + i dont ahve a pc and we ahve toi find someone to update the
derrick can u do it??? please please please!!!!
BTW.. there was somehting in the newspapers yesterday vt giving free grnats
to ngo's or noteworthy pursons wanting to start gym's .. i thin k this shd
be investigated.. it came on the herald.
> >nad now voila. fist >villa in goa for a lot of things.. ask fred.

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