Hi SaligaoNetters,

Once again ....information come through eh, courtesy Fr. Nasciment...?

From: Nascimen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The feast of Sao Joao celebrated on 24th June, was earlier called Zanv'ianche Fest, the feast of sons-in-law.

Yeh that I remember, Luwell & Marshal in Donddachi Baim in 1982 with those drooping leaves sitting lopsided over their brows, not forgetting the leaves & twigs in the well.

There are myths and explanations for this celebration. One of them relates to St. John to the >jumping in joy in his mother's womb, which is symbolized by the well; another relates to the >baptism of St. John in the river Jordan. The fact remains that fertility, a reluctant stoppage of >sexual relations and a joyful reunion are commemorated in this feast that heralds the seeding time >of the monsoon.

Oh really, this is something I didnt know but often wondered about this sort of custom, to jump in the wells! Didnt make sense to me, thought it was one of the eccentric traits or idiosyncracies (you all know we have them, hence the famous & notorious in our village) of Saligao villagers, & unhygienic to boot. Ah! now I know the symbolism.

This Buddugeli baim in Mollebhatt, Donddachi baim in Donvaddo etc were the famous wells where >young ones learnt there to swim and the thrill and joy it gave to the swimmers as well as on->lookers and helpers with ropes, all this, our good friend Annette D'Souza so beautifully described >earlier in one of her postings

Huh! Helped them to learn but still dont know to swim & will not learn hereafter - & if anyone is going to ask why not ???....phobia of water, remember? But these were enjoyable & fun times instead of sitting at home by the TV or PC as the youngsters of today do. Yeh I remember, dont worry, we had neither TV nor PC then, played football, cricket, hopscotch, 7Tiles, marbles or baseball & some of the games that Fr. Nasciment has enumerated in his various postings where we didnt need to buy stuff, just used stones etc.

Have a nice day/weekend.

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