Hi SaligaoNetters

Oh this is news to me ... not about the English language but about Rowena being in Delhi & working at Oxford Press,... last I met her, she was commuting to Pilerne. Years & people are passing me by ... feel like I'm reaching the end of the road/tunnel with no shining light though!

From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The new 11th edition of the/ Concise// Oxford English Dictionary/ is published on 7 July, price Rs >545/-

Oh we've reached 11th eh/ I'm sitting with a 7th edition in the office, & I have a 4th Edition at home, collecting dust. Time is flying whizz past me ....boohoo!

Oxford reveals spelling crisis

I doubt it, not if one sticks to the original English English (rather than the American English or Hinglish) For those of us who were taught English English by Indian teachers using the Oxford Dictionary & the Wrenn & Martin, there is no spelling crisis, just have to keep up with the changing times. Now words are being added & tacked on to suit contemporary needs, that's fine. Hence the need of 11th edition & that's how the other editions came into being.

Shocking new statistics from Oxford's research show that up to 50 per cent of users are getting >simple words and phrases confused with one another.

Hard luck to those 50%, they were not taught properly. I'm sure people like Rico, Daniel, Val etc. will agree with me there, basics should be good, topped up with reading the right books & material. And the Dictionary is to be referred to when in doubt or if one wants to learn new words.

...alarming levels of confusion because so many words in English either look
alike or sound alike but have different meanings.

Nobody said that English is an easy language - it is a difficult language for this very reason.

Are you confused?

No confusion at all Rico, & if you were taught by Miss Shirley, (I was not but taught by a really good Manglorian) you wont be either..

Correct versions are: defuse the situation; free rein; toe the line; poring

Could give an English lesson here but would be wasting MB or KB? dont know ... now this is where I need a good teacher ... computer language ....Ashley are you going to volunteer? Yeh I know one cant teach an old dog (yeh I know the feminine version in the English Language but the phrase uses masculine so I'm using it too - he he!) new tricks, but this one is willing to try.....

Just take the meaning of the words reign & rein, tow & toe & one will get the right expressions.

new words, many of which reflect innovations in the fast-moving world of
science and technology

Oh that's what I said earlier but used the word contemporary before I read the fine print here & the hifi words.

*SEX UP* your English with the new/ Concise/ and find all the words in the

What happened to dress up, doll up - oh yeh too insipid & dry & unsexy.........

and* THREEQUEL* (a second sequel).

Oh dear, someone missed out on twoquel or is it in the 10th edition?

The winning choice for people all over the world,/ The Concise Oxford
English Dictionary/ sets records, and where there is confusion, it sets the
record straight.

Really? Unbelievable!

***VA-VA-VOOM* = the quality of being exciting, vigorous, or sexually

Forgot the VIM!


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