With attempts being made to revive activites at the Club, here's my own 
wish-list for activities there. Put out in no particular order. Please add 
to the list -- then we would have a framework to work on:

        * Involve various segments in the club.
        * Cope with changes in the village, avoid
          restrictions on memberships -- what every individual
          can contribute to the 'community spirit' should be only 
        * Extend current membership; with 200 members (half of
          whom might be abroad), one can't expect much activity.
        * Involve various stake-holders, particularly those
          interested in various interest groups. Giselle is a
          good example of what parents can do for reading. Last
          October, the parents of young kids also had a moderately
          interesting summer camp. They would do it because they
          have a direct stake. Can we reach out to teenagers,
          women, etc?
        * Start a once-a-month computer club. Ashley and Derek
          are already game. So am I. We had already sought and
          got permission for this; the delays in implementation
          were unfortunately at our end.
        * Extend memberships. The old pattern of having just
          one member in the family as member (and the others as
          dependent) is an anachronism when women work too, and
          the Rs 1000 life membership is hardly unaffordable.
        * More knowledge-based activities (quizzes, debates...
          these have been held in the past).
        * Encourage art and talent, and also hobbies of various 
          sorts (why not a 'stamp collecting' club?)
        * Have a vibrant notice board giving information about
          village-life, activities that youth can benefit from etc
        * The magazine-section is a long-pending dream.
        * Sports... Shanon of Saligaonet came out with the idea of
          a 'village festival of traditional sports' (which are
          fast disappearing). Fr N had already described these
          earlier. Can't we have something unusual and interesting?
        * Something for the elderly -- beyond just the weekend
          tombola which is not reaching out beyond the set crowd.
        * Active campaign for more members.
        * Indoor sports, and possibly outdoors too. We had an
          active sporting generation in the past -- Gerard
          Delaney, Kenneth "Ken" D'Souza, Dunstan, Quintin
          Coelho, Maxy "The Fox" Coutinho, and many others.
          Now most of those named (except GD) are abroad or
          busy with working life. The challenge is to build up
          a new team to take the place.
        * A collaborative model, where all stakeholders put
          their money where their mouth is -- instead of just
          expecting a small core team from doing everything.

Some brainstorming for a start.

Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa India
http://fn.swiki.net * Phone 0091.832.2409490 Mobile 09822 122436
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