Dear Fr Nascimento

This is real bad news. Perhaps you have been exerting yourself a little too much with the numerous postings to SaligaoNet these past few days.

Please do take complete rest till you feel absolutely well again.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

- Val

Dear Saligao Netters,

This is to inform you all that this morning after the 2nd mass which I celebrated, my diabetes went very high and it resulted in heart problem. The doctor has curtailed my activities and hence it will not be possible for me to send you Saligao News which I felt could now be taken by some one younger, more energetic and fit and also based in Saligao.

The other postings can hold on .till I am better to resume , but when? This time will tell. However I must thank Daniel, Val, Maureen , Nancy, Annette, Zelma and recently Shanon for the encouragement they gave me all this while. My prayers are with all Saliganvkars and God bless you all . Kindly keep the Saligao spirit moving higher. With much love, warm wishes and prayers.

Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas, St. Andrew's Church, Vasco da Gama, 403802. Goa, India..

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