Maybe Saligao need not wait for the government for
        these things to happen. The Saligao List (by
        Shannon) is a good lead. Can we take the idea
        further? Forget about WTO and such concepts, we
        all need to understand our own village better. FN

Goa promises database on villages 


PANAJI: It is not the small townships in Goa rather the villages that lend
the unique ambience of the town and village way of life. With nearly 50 per
cent of the small population of about 13 lakh residing in the villages, a
database of the 370 villages on its people, heritage, way of life and the
food habits would bring the state closer home to the rest of the nation and
across the boundary.

The Union ministry of communications and information technology, Census and
the state government are jointly involved in a pilot project of the Planning
Commission to create a database for the state. While bigger states like
Maharashtra could be taken up selectively under a nation-wide project, Goa
has the advantage of being a two-district state whose wealth in the villages
could be mapped up for planning and promoting tourism.

A two-day workshop on IT for micro level planning jointly organised by the
Goa unit of national informatics centre and the state government concurred
that the information content should deal with the dietary habits,
nutritional intake, village sports and talents, biodiversity and ecological

The list is long with the aim to create a comprehensive database. For eg
instead of documenting that there is a library, the participants said it
should also say which are the books that are also available.

With star hotels, restaurants catering exotic food having a village address,
prominent festivals, spice farms and tourist places with remote beaches, a
database would not only be an extension of the tourism potential of the
state but also ensure wealth generation for individuals, say those
associated with the tourism industry. 

More than two million tourists with 18 lakh domestic tourists are expected
this tourist season. Besides, says the planning secretary of Goa, Dharmendra
Sharma, the state government could be the largest clients of the database.

"The database on traditional knowledge, perception, native intelligence etc
of the people of the village and its protection is the need of the hour in
view of WTO, globalisation and liberalisation," notes the senior bureaucrat.
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