Welcome  to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website

Dear Cybergaokars on SaligaoNet,

Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event
to be held on 24th September will focus on
Experiences in helping school dropouts in Goa.

Fr. Michael D'Costa of the Don Bosco Crafts Institute, Loutolim
will lead the discussion at the Balcao and share their
decade long experience in the field.

The Don Bosco Crafts Institute situated in Loutolim and founded
in 1993, is conducted by the Salesians of Don Bosco specifically
for school drop outs. It is the only professional non-formal
technical institute catering to the needs of school dropouts.

Training in this Institute is integrated with production work, thus
providing these would be unfortunate youth with the necessary
skills for undertaking and producing finished products of high
quality, and eventually providing them with their means of
livelihood for an honest living.

What is the situation of school drops in Goa ? Why are students
dropping out of the school system? What are the various options
in non - formal education available to school dropouts ?

Are Parent Teachers Associations (PTA's) aware of the extent
of school drop outs ? What action are the Government agencies
taking to respond to this problem ? What role can NGO's,
Village Panchayats and Educational Institutions play in this
matter ?

The Balcao discussion will cover these questions and
and also evolve an agenda for action by citizens on the issue.

Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm
at the Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11 Liberty Apartments Feira Alta,
Mapusa and is open to  members of the public.

Those citizens who would like to receive
the regular invitation to Friday Balcao and a one page synopsis
of the fortnightly session can subscribe for the same
by sending Rs.100/- to cover printing and mailing costs.

Interested citizens wanting more information
on Friday Balcao can phone on 2252660
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

best wishes,

Lillian D'Costa.
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

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