Saligaonet offers its condolence on the death of Teresa Dias (Arrarim-Saligao). Those of our generation (40s, 30s) would know her as the mum of Anthony and Stella, who studied with us at Britto's and Lourdes.

For those who have young kids, you'd also know her as the active grand-mum of Edward, who studies at Lourdes Convent (Std I). I spoke to Mrs Dias just last week, and was sorrowed to learn she had succumbed to a sudden heart attack. I knew her as Anthony's mum from my younger days in Britto's, and recently also interacted with the family after her daughter Stella happened to locate my address on the Net and sent in a message or two in the early days of the Internet in Goa (we have still to fully explore the potential of this medium specially in an out-migration state like ours).

Below is an excerpt from the obituary announcement in the local papers.

        Teresa Dias (Arrarim-Saligao): beloved wife of late
        Edward Dias, mother/mother-in-law of Stella/Edward
        Martins (Canada) & Anthony/Ezilda, sister/sister-in-law
        of Damansio/Livy, late Bella, Patrick/Lucy (London),
        Celine/Atanasio Pinto (Bangalore), Pascoal Joao/Norah
        (USA) and gradnchildren. Passed away suddenly on
        July 14, 2005. Funeral date will be announced later.

Our condolences to the family. -FN
Frederick Noronha (FN)                    Nr Convent Saligao 403511 GoaIndia
Freelance Journalist                      P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436             
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