IF THIS carries on, you might be surprised to hear the shouts of kids around the Saligao Institute at eveningtime, 5 to 6 pm.

My incomplete information suggests that Alfred de Souza ("Alfie" the Radio Officer) and Ashely (Giselle's hubby) launched the initiative. When I took Riza and Aren along today, there must have been about 20 kids, playing with a ball, frisbee, and more just outside the club.

We tried 7-tiles (lobbiani). Who says kids don't play anymore? Who says they're too busy studying and watching TV? You just need to hear the squeals.

If you want to make this a success, pleeeeeeeease send your kids along. Or pass the word around in the village. Alfie suggests this could become a Monday-to-Saturday evening (family break on the Sabbath). Subject to days when one of the kids has a party or something (like Saturday, March 5).

On Wednesdays, the reading club continues. All those involved deserve special praise for making this happen....

        And a couple of days ago, I was passing by the gym (near
        St Anne's Chapel) on my evening kiddies-ride, and came
        across my friend Daya. I took Aren for a dekko, and was
        surprised to learn that there are as many as 50-60
        youngsters going in for practise at the gym. Earlier,
        it seemed empty, but this time round, it was quite
        full. Tried to raise Sharon's point that even women
        need gym facilities -- maybe for one hour daily or
        whatever. Daya said a suggestion could be put up.

Let's build more public spaces and 'social capital' in the village! FN
d88888b d8b   db   Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa India
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