To the Collectorate, North Goa,

I am a Saligaokar, from the Salmona area.   I remember, as a child, the
walks with my grandfather to the village fountain to splash in the pond on a
hot day.  We would catch some tiny fish for our fish tank from the pond and
have a protracted 'bath' in the cool refreshing stream that had to be
directed by sticking an appropriate sized leaf into the outflow spout.  The
isolated greenery was full of noisy birds and for me, those memories are as
close to heaven as I can imagine.  It was always with regret that we would
leave that sanctuary and return home with a 'causo' of healing mineral water
to top up the earthern rooster water cooler.

Although I am no longer walking distance from the 'zor', my heart is in
Saligao and Goa.  We have returned every few years and my children have fond
memories of walks to the fountain.  Someday, I hope to take my
grand-children to the Saligao fountain to catch fish, have a bath and return
with a bottle of water.

Unfortunately, that dream is becoming more of a nightmare with the sprouting
of construction all the way leading to the fountain and most recently,
actually within sight of the spring.  This desecration of a pristine patch
of land is the ultimate insult to our forefathers who maintained the area
for generations.  Added to that, the suitability of the water for human
consumption is brought into question by the establishment of a garbage dump
on the Saligao hill in the vincinity of the head waters of the fountain.

In this age of environmental concerns and specially on this day celebrating
our most precious natural resource - water, I implore you to use your powers
to keep Saligao and Goa from deteriorating any further. As one of the 20
worldwide UN declared biodiverse sites, Goa has an international
responsibility to protect its natural environment and a local responsibility
to keep corrupt officials from destroying these few accessible havens for
the future generations.


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, Canada.
Full Address:
Kevin Saldanha
1113 DreamCrest Road,
Mississauga, Ontario
Phone: 905 813-7787
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