For all you Saligaonetters who may be interested in
the awesome people in that awesome Class of '75
picture that Dilip sent me, this is a copy of my reply
to Dilip's e-mail that accompanied the picture.  Read

Hi Dilip,

I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you. 
Sometimes days just go by too soon (you know those
ones that have only 12 instead of 24 hours in
them??!!)  Anyway, you have an absolutely amazing
memory - because it would most certainly have been me
who sang with Zeena, accompanied by you at Xavier's
College.  Boy, are you really taking me down memory
lane!! (Annette will probably have something to say
again about me and memory lane!!)  Actually, for a
while, Zeena and I "jammed" as 'crooners' with some of
our college boyfriends (boys, who were our friends,
just for clarification!) - Kevin Lobo (Saligao,
Nobby's cousin), Cecil, who owned and played a fancy
12 string guitar, and Georgie (I think his name was)
on the drums.  With our talent we may have put ABBA
out of business soon.  Lucky for them we kind of
slowed down when we did.

BTW...For the longest time, I thought Zeena had 7
brothers (Lucky devil, bec I had/have only one!!),
that is until I came to know that Dilip and Joe was
the same person, and so was Naval and Dick!!! (I think
I got that right)  Didn't make me feel so bad, then ;)
 However, from the lot of you, we only knew Ashok and
Pralad well.

Thanks again for all the great memories - that you
helped create with one single weather-beaten picture!



Annette and Tony, this is specially for you....
One of these years I'll get down to putting all the
names to those faces, for the Saligaonetters who may
be interested in knowing Who's Who.  Muriel (Donald
Sequeira's sis) isn't in the picture.  She was a year
or 2 junior to us.  Tony, your mind for recollection
of detail is amazing.  In fact, you know/knew much
more about my classmates than I did.  But we were a
great group, beyond a shadow of doubt!!

My next project is to try and reconnect with as many
of my "old" classmates (LCHS, Class of '75) as I can. 
Any help in that direction will be greatly



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