Thanks to all for the help replies.

I've been testing the install and it seemed that the problem lay with
authentication.  With that in mind I established the following;

The boxes being monitored are standalone machines that are not part of the
domain.  Under username within Checks > NT I provided the following
information in the following manner

Logon:  machinename\adminaccountname
Password:       as set on the local machine.

Previously I had provided the information as follows

Logon:  adminaccountname
Password:       as set on the local machine

SA will now read the relevant service list and report correctly.  I'm going
to set-up a few checks and monitor them over the next couple of days and
through a few re-boots to see if everything is ok.

The point I don't understand is that the checks originally worked without
stating the machine name in the authentication fields of the Check > NT
tabs, anyone any views?



-----Original Message-----
From: Sloane, David [mailto:DSloane@;]
Sent: 28 October 2002 16:22
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Service Monitor Failure

Does the Servers Alive service run as the local account?  Even though you
specify privileges in the system checks, the SA service may not have
sufficient rights to get out to the network if it's running as "Local


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Gordon [mailto:Stephen.Gordon@;] 
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: [SA-list] Service Monitor Failure

Dear All,

I am running SA 3.3.1135 on Windows 2000 Server SP3.  I set up windows
service monitors on 4 remote machines (within the internal LAN) and they
initially ran correctly.

After re-booting the machine hosting SA all the windows service monitors
showed as not ok.  I checked the services on the physical machines and they
were OK.

I deleted the original monitors and attempted to set up new ones.  However
when I fill in details under the Checks > NT tab and click the button to
list available services I get the following message.

'OpenSCManager failed; error =5'

I checked that the logon and password for the remote machines were correct,
the SA host machine can ping the remote machines and SA can monitor the
services on the machine it runs on.

Would anyone be able to tell me why these service monitors are now


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