I've installed (upgraded) my version of 3.x to test some new things out. I
love the new interface, and am now moving items under other items to create
some additional dependencies. However, every time I drag one item into
another, I get an "are you sure?" prompt, and then it jumps back to the top
of the list so I have to scroll back down again. I have about 150 entries,
so this is somewhat frustrating.

Any way to get rid of the "are you sure" warning and resulting reset to the
top of the list? I would prefer to be able to quickly drag and drop at least
one item at a time without warnings, and preferably would enjoy being able
to highlight multiple items, and drag them all under a dependency at the
same time.



-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Bulinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 5:49 AM
Subject: [SA-list] Servers Alive v4 beta 1 released


Finaly Servers Alive v4 beta 1 is release to the "grand public".

You can download it from http://www.woodstone.nu/salive/betav4.asp

And please please remember this is a BETA version.  All feedback is ofcourse
welcome :-)

Quick overview of the new stuff:
        * new interface
        * new file format
        * database logging
        * winsock check are protocol based and not longer port based
                (ctrl-P will lead you to the protocol definition page)
        * more html template tags
e_entries,SA_GROUPHEADER,SA_GROUPFOOTER,sa_select_case - sa_case)
        (sort can be done on hostid, hostname,uid, check,
status,prettyname,ip and
combinations of it, but will always be done per group!)

        * grouping of entries
        * new external COM check (no samples yet)
        * new alerting engine (more alert types and more alert send rules)
        * built in SSH server

Probalby I forgot a lot, a left some bugs in it too....but hey that's why
it's a beta.

This beta will use the "old" v3 registration info until Feb 15th 2003, then
it will fall back to an unregistered version.
In order to load your old hostfile use the import option in the FILE menu

Once released we will have 2 versions:
        * standard version
                => compare this to the current v3.3
                        ("limited" to 1000 entries and NO database logging)

        * enterprise version
                "limited" to 5000 entries
                database logging

        For the rest enterprise and standard have the same features.

Currently there is NO doc included with the beta.  With the release we will
have the doc included (ofcourse).

Have fun with it.....


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