Hello Dirk:

I just wanted to do a follow up to see if you got what I was saying
here.  As  you will see someone replied to my response and I replied
back answering it furthe rin detail.  However I haev another MINOR thing
here to mention.

1).Right I understand that but when you make a change to SA it still
doesn't grey
itself out like other programs would (ie Internet Explorer, make a
change to
that and then press apply and it will grey out)

Patrick Heesom wrote:

> Some apps (eg most of the Control Panel applets) keep track of
> whether a form is "dirty" (ie changed) and only enable the Apply
> button when it is. I hadn't even noticed that SA doesn't :-)
> -Patrick Heesom

2).  When it goes through the Cycle check I was thinking the stop light
should show yellow light during check instead of Red?  Is
       this true or what.  I would think that would be correct Yellow
for cycle checking and red for down and if all is ok Green.  I
       am using V4 build 1281.
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