
We have been having problems with our LPSERVE application on our mainframe
for some time, I believe that it is a bug in the application, but was
wondering whether there is anything we can do about this in the short run.

I could create a protocol, but do not know what data the LPR server wishes
to recieve, send back and disconnect data.

I am running servers alive version 4.0.1453 as a service on a win2k server.
The log does not show anything untoward and shows as down after the check
that causes the LPSERVE hang.


Can you ask Ray, what data it expects to receive and what it will respond
with and what the correct disconnect data is?



----- Forwarded by Paul Gaskell/Manchester_GB/Federal-Mogul on 21/10/2003
10:13 -----
                      Trevor Hyde                                                      
                                               To:       Paul 
Gaskell/Manchester_GB/[EMAIL PROTECTED]        
                      21/10/2003 09:14         cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Re: PMR 88168,017,866 - 
LPSERVE Hanging                       

           on the LPSERVE problem and your ServersAlive port monitoring and
attempts to handshake etc. and
also what capability does ServersALive have in this area (is there a
description), if you could provide any details
so I can forward info to IBM, or perhaps they might tell us what to code ?
(all this for now is just a circumvention
whilst they fix the error handling bug ?).

----- Forwarded by Trevor Hyde/Manchester_GB/Federal-Mogul on 21/10/03
09:08 -----
                      Ray E Kohring Jr                                                 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      om>                      cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Re: PMR 88168,017,866 - 
LPSERVE Hanging                       
                      21/10/03 03:12                                                   

I haven't forgotten about you.  Your PMR has been at or near the top of my
planned activities for the day for the past two weeks, but various crises
have kept interfering with my plans.  I will let you know as soon as I
identify any new information.

I was not aware that you were still having this problem regularly.  Have
you had an opportunity to update the code in the port monitoring program to
add a delay between performing the CONNECT and CLOSE calls?  Or is such a
change not something you have control over (ie, its a program from another
vendor)?  Maybe another alternative would be to give LPSERVE a higher
dispatching priority so that it would be more likely to complete the
"ACCEPT" process of the new session before the RST packet comes in.

Ray E Kohring, Jr
CS/390 Level II Support - TCP/IP
IBM    RTP, NC  -  (919) 254-0104   (T/L 444-0104)


The affairs, business and property of T&N Ltd are being managed by the
Joint Administrators, S Freakley, J Gleave, and G Squires.
T&N Ltd is a debtor under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code.


The affairs, business and property of T&N Ltd are being managed by the
Joint Administrators, S Freakley, J Gleave, and G Squires.
T&N Ltd is a debtor under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code.

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