Title: Message
You can do this with an External (Errorlevel) check.
Create an the check and use this for the application line:
find "ERROR " \\servername\share\logfile.txt
It will return an Errorlevel = 0 if it finds a match and Errorlevel = 1 if it doesn't.  Set up the check to alert you if it hits Errorlevel = 0.
Hope this helps,

Kevin Kruithof
Class 3 Systems Administrator, Section 21b, Type 42, Platinum Edition
Center for Useless Classification
Expert Tech Group

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ahmed Hassan
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: [SA-list] Ideas from Group

Thanks for the suggestion . I don't know whether you took a look at the snippet of the log file - anyway it will be difficult to just do a search on a word like "fail". Apart from that each log file is about 300 - 500Kb from each remote site. Hence, the reason for looking for way to automate the process.

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