
While building some custom HTML templates to provide one-stop shopping for status and 
recovery information, it dawned on me that I could autogenerate the batch file used 
for creating graphs from RRDtool. My batch skills are pretty rusty but I thought I'd 
share what I've come up with so far:

The batch template:

You'll need to adjust paths, prefixes, and suffixes to match your
configuration and save it as a batch file from within "Setup | Output |
HTML page", then run it as a scheduled job.

Despite having 'apache' in the title, it doesn't rely on Apache at all;
just aim it at a web-accessible directory and it'll crank out the

On the template pages I'm building, I've added this fragment to generate links to the 
various images.

<img src="/status/img/hour_salive.<sa_uid>.png" height=172 width=495 
alt="<sa_prettyname> - 1 hour">
<a href="/status/img/hour_salive.<sa_uid>.png">1 hr</a> |
<a href="/status/img/day_salive.<sa_uid>.png">24 hr</a> |
<a href="/status/img/48h_salive.<sa_uid>.png">48 hr</a> |
<a href="/status/img/week_salive.<sa_uid>.png">1 wk</a> |
<a href="/status/img/4week_salive.<sa_uid>.png">4 wk</a>

Ideally you'd set variables to point at the RRDtool executable, source and destination 
directories, and RRD prefix and suffix all at the top of the batch script and 
substitute them into each command line. As I said, my batch skills have atrophied (I 
do everything in perl and Bourne shell now) but you can see the intent.

This script is probably not a good solution if you have a lot of images
to generate and you don't look at them very often. You're probably
better off generating the images dynamically and caching them or viewing
images with a web-based front-end to RRDtool (Cricket, RRD_cgi.exe,
etc.) For the time being though, the template approach has a very short learning curve.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments - thanks again!

-- Bob

PS: I found the %-uptime stuff in the template help file; I had that
printed out but hadn't read it when I posted last.
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