Title: RE: [SA-list] Inverse result?

Very much so.

I want to know if someone starts up services that have been purposely disabled on certain servers.

Also, some workstations have been removed from the network and I would like to be alerted if they are brought back online.

Currently, you would have to create an inverse check batch file to do these functions.  Much more work than it should be.

Paul M. Ford
Sr. Network Engineer, Chugach Support Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Bulinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 12:31 PM
Subject: [SA-list] Inverse result?

While checking out some of the "old" requests I came across several mails
were people seemed to want an "inverse" result.  What I mean with that is
the want the same check as what is available now except that the status is
the inverse from what it's now.

                        ping host
                                if host is up the entry is UP
        with INVERSE
                        ping host
                                if host is up the entry is DOWN

                        nt service check
                                when the service is running     the entry is
                                when the service is not running (or you have
an authentication failure!!)    the entry is down

        with inverse
                        nt service check
                                when the service is running     the entry is
                                when the service is not running (or you have
an authentication failure!!)    the entry is up

I would like to know if the list sees this as a good new feature or not?

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