Correction :-
It goes UP if I clear the event log
It goes DOWN if there are *any* logon/logoff entries that match the
query (even if it is for a different user), and it stays down.

So there appear to be two problems :-
1. It isn't looking at the user name (perhaps I entered it wrong ?)
2. It doesn't come back UP, even when there are no new event log entries

Jeff Preou
Hamilton, New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jeff Preou
Sent: Tuesday, 22 June 2004 7:51 p.m.
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Event log monitoring

At the moment it is going DOWN and UP on each alternate cycle, despite
the fact that I have cleared the Security event log and the remote user
hasn't logged on (or off)  [ie there are no entries for this user]. It
doesn't appear to be checking the username. 

Jeff Preou
Hamilton, New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Dirk Bulinckx
Sent: Tuesday, 22 June 2004 7:46 p.m.
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Event log monitoring

It should only give the "down" for each of the occurences of the Logon.
If the next check doesn't get a new entry that has a logon it will show
an UP.

You can't configure it to "clear" a down by a logoff instead of a logon.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jeff Preou
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:37 AM
Subject: [SA-list] Event log monitoring


I'm new to Servers Alive and just downloaded and installed the latest
version today.
We're evaluating it to see whether we can offer it to our customers that
would like a cheap but effective monitoring solution, the idea being
that *we* get notified and can then offer assistance as necessary.
Hence there might be quite a few requests for help to this list while I
discover what we can and cannot do with Servers Alive.
And here's the first :-

I'm using the EventLog addon to check to see when a particular remote
user logs on and then logs off from a Terminal Server.
I have one Eventlog check configured with :-
Give a down when "at least one" new eventlog entry matches the below
Hostname:       SERVER
Logfile:        Security
Source: Security
Categaory:      Logon/Logoff
Event ID:       540
User:           DOMAIN\username
Type:           Success Audit
Description: Successful Network Logon
Return: Number of matching entries
Timeout:        5 seconds
I have another event corresponding to the logoff

The query correctly returns a DOWN status as this remote user has
already logged on (and off).
However, it stays in a down status. I get an email notification when it
changes to down, and if I change the email notification to 'every 1
times' then I get notified every time, even though there has been no
change to the event log.

My question is this : how do I set up a query so that I simply get
emailed when these events occur rather than every time it is down, if
you see what I mean ?

Secondly, is it possible to have one event (the logoff) cause the first
event (logon) to change from DOWN to UP ?

Basically, I'm trying to get notified of this particular users
logon/logoffs. Any help would be appreciated.

Jeff Preou
Hamilton, New Zealand

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