Double Ditto all the kudos.

Dirk, here's an example of what you want to aspire to :)

In November last year we found a bug in a piece of software produced by
fairly significant provider of financial software. First, we had to sign
a non-disclosure agreement so that we couldn't tell any of their other
clients about the bug. Then we had to employ a casual staff member for
the manual work around.

A few weeks back they said that the bug would be fixed in the next
release slated for sometime Q3 2005!! Possibility of a hotfix before
then? "We don't supply hotfixes...". What about a refund on our
substantial support contract? "As per the terms of the agreement, no

A stellar example of selling a rock solid product and providing top line
customer support.

Phillip Carter
Ph: +61 3 9235 1691

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Greg D. Moore
Sent: Friday, 14 January 2005 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: [SA-list] Thanks to Dirk

At 09:24 AM 1/13/2005, you wrote:

>Sometimes I think we all should step back and realize the incredible
>service and product that Dirk provides, and say thanks.  I just wanted
>to take this opportunity to say that for myself.

Bah, SAlive is only cheaper than any product on the market, it's better
in many ways.

The response to technical questions is way to short.  I mean waiting in
some cases only minutes to maybe an hour or two to get a response?
That's just unlike most companies I deal with.  They really have to fix
this and get it to the point where it takes days or weeks to get back to
people.  That'll make them more like a "real company".

Oh.. and adding features.  That's got to stop.  I mean come on.  Who
ever heard of a company so open to adding features in response to
customer requests?  They really need to work on ignoring customer
requests and just
putting in what they want... regardless of actual value.   Then they'll
more like most software companies.

And if Dirk were any more helpful, he'd have to work directly in my

>I've been a long time user of Servers Alive (since around '98), and
>I've found it to be beyond a superior product value.  It's darn near
>scary how much it gives for how little.  I first stumbled across it
>because I had a network of a couple thousand nodes, and no real
>monitoring solution that worked.  Servers Alive came in under budget
>and over delivered.  It was simple to use, and reliable like I needed.

>I was an instant convert.
>I've carried Servers Alive with me in my standard toolbox ever since. 
>I recommend it to anyone looking for a monitoring solution, and I've
>used it faithfully in my own work through three different companies. 
>It's been a huge life saver, not least of all because of the Herculean
>support Dirk provides.  It's literally unparalleled in software, in my
>If you've appreciated the service Dirk's done for the community I
>encourage you to publicly express that to him.  Take five minutes.  I
>guarantee he's taken lots more for you.
>Mark Bradshaw
>Director of Online Services
>(866) 7DREAM3
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Greg D. Moore   Director of IT                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Powerone Media  1-800-6POWER6
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