Ditto Dirk,

We have/had openview here and it took our Network Guys almost a year to
configure.  And the results...  I still use Servers Alive because it works
better.  And our Network guy is at another job where their on OpenView
implementation in on it's second year.  He wouldn't tell me how much they
spent but he said their CIO was in tears when he showed them what Servers
Alive could do.

Dirk keep up the good work.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Bulinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 5:26 PM
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Thank You :-)

Well sometimes I do sleep, but not enough :-)

Aha OpenView....that mega-expensive huge monster....you need to buy the
software, the documentation and need to hire a couple of consultants for a
year or two in order to get it to do something...or was that that other big
blue network monitoring tool? 


-----Original Message-----
Of Rosiak, John
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:18 PM
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: [SA-list] Thank You :-)


Quickly I can ditto all that has been said, but....

The first time I went to use your software I got immediate responses from
you...then I realized what the time difference was between US Eastern and

DON'T YOU EVER SLEEP?  Or, are you just like the rest of us--- tech junkies!

Congrats for a great product, a fantastic price, and superior
service.......don't stop !

Also, since I initially bought the product for cheap, various divisions of
my company have also signed on, and they recommend SA before any
other product, even though we have [ Openview. ???]   :)   :-)

John Rosiak
The McGraw-Hill Companies 
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