I was indeed just trying to set it up via "Setup" and not on the actual
event.  The whole RRD logging takes a little monkeying with to get it
working.  But, most of the monkeying was actually on the RDD side.  Very
powerful, though - thanks for taking the time to integrate it!  The quotes
are indeed required around commands that have spaces - but the command will
work with quotes present, but no space, so it might be worth it to change
the code to just put them in there regardless of a space instead of
checking for  space, etc...   Thanks again for the help!

             "Dirk Bulinckx"                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             u>                                                         To 
             Sent by:                  <salive@woodstone.nu>               
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          cc 
                                       RE: [SA-list] RRD batch files empty 
             01/28/2005 04:58                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Probably due to the SPACE within the path.
I know that it works fine as such when there is no space within the path.

We'll adapt this for the next release of Servers Alive.


-----Original Message-----
Of per ohlsson
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 10:34 PM
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: RE: [SA-list] RRD batch files empty

Dirk, that helps, but the scriptfile doesn't work. You need "" around
the commands like this:
 "C:\Program Files\salive\RRD\rrdtool.exe" create "C:\Program
Files\salive\RRD\5" -s 180 DS:roundtrip:GAUGE:720:U:U RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720
The same problem with Create Graph scripts.
 Best regards
Per Ohlsson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005-01-28 21:13 >>>
Did you enable RRD logging for your entries? Logging tab of each


-----Original Message-----
Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 8:31 PM
To: salive@woodstone.nu Subject: [SA-list] RRD batch files empty

I'm trying to get the RRD logging to kick out the scripts for me. I've
spent a while tinkering and looking through the archive, but still
I have checked the "enabled" box, filled in the path to the tool,
c:\Program Files\RRD\rrdtool.exe and the database path, c:\Program
Files\RRD\... Now, I don't know the command to execute after update
after I "Generate GRAPH script", so that's empty. I push "Apply" to be
sure that the configuration is saved. Now, when I push the "Generate
CREATE script" button, I get a text box with the following:
-s 120 DS:roundtrip:GAUGE:720:U:U RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720

And then I push "Yes" to see the batch file output, and all I get is:


REM Script generated by Servers Alive on 28-Jan-2005 at 14:13:41


That's it...

So, I tried to manually create the db using the following:
rrdtool create sa.rrd -s 120 DS:roundtrip:GAUGE:720:U:U

Which, created the database using the generated variables in the
Files\RRD\ directory with a file size of 7k. When I push the "Generate
GRAPH script" button, I push "Yes" to see the output, and all I get


REM Script generated by Servers Alive on 28-Jan-2005 at 14:13:55

cd C:\Program Files\RRD\

Now in that RRD directory, the db that I created manually, sa.rrd, has
been touched since the time of it's creation. There's one
being created after every update - 01 through 10, but those files are
completely blank.
Any ideas what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any help!

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