Title: SBC Does SMTP 451: Email temporarily suspended

Is this a known condition, and is there a workaround?

I'm trying to monitor six university email systems with SMTP2POP, sending through smtp.sbdglobal.net.  This effectively tests our sendmail mail exchanger, our anti-spam & anti-virus systems, and the Exchange store.  Using POP exercises the Exchange front-end.  After a cycle or two, I get the following:

SMTP: 451 4.7.7 Mail access temporarily suspended for**BCMI**pimout2

SBC's tech support cannot tell me what limit I am triggering, so I have no idea what to change to avoid the problem.  I started out with a cycle of 1 minute.  With "2nd knock" on, this means SA should page when a problem has existed for no more than 4 minutes.  As the cycle gets longer, a problem can exist for longer before SA recognizes it.

Any suggestions?


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