Salive Version – 5.0.1680 on Windows 2003 Server


In the past few days our MSN Alerts have stopped working. I’ve logged into the hotmail account the address come from without a problem, and I’ve used MSN Messenger on the server and can sign in and send messages, but Servers Alive isn’t able to. Enabling max logging, I only get this in the log files:


22 April 2005 10:49:52 TO convert : (PID= 3),(PID= 1),(PID= 7) to [EMAIL PROTECTED],YYY,ZZZ

22 April 2005 10:49:52 Address TO convert : (TID=1) to [EMAIL PROTECTED],YYY,ZZZ

22 April 2005 10:50:08 MSN message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed due to Timeout waiting to connect.

22 April 2005 10:50:24 MSN message to YYY failed due to Timeout waiting to connect.

22 April 2005 10:50:44 MSN message to ZZZ failed due to Timeout waiting to connect.       


Any thoughts ?

Richard Temple

Networks Team Leader


Tel: +44 (0) 1494 777582
Fax: +44 (0) 1494 777555


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