I have a similar requirement however I bring up a site like this on a daily basis with maybe 8 dependent checks. I never got a satisfactory answer on this list.
I basically created my own system to create the hosts file from scratch by quering a database of sites and checks I'd like done. The problem with this method is that Servers Alive service has to be stopped and restarted for it to pickup the new entries. I have this all automated with the press of a single button through a web interface but it wasn't straight forward and it isn't pretty but it works.

From: Troy Bruder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 1, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: [SA-list] SA "management"
To: salive@woodstone.nu

How do others manage servers alive?  Specifically, I have it setup that I perform a PING test of a server/device, and then if that passes, anywhere from 30-40 subsequent checks against that one server...
We have 15 servers in one of my environments....  and I've recently come up with 5 new monitors that I need to configure for each server..  however, it's painful to have to CTRL-D an entry, then change the name, pretty name, and depends on category for each of the 5 new monitors times 15 servers..
Is there an easier way??

Troy Bruder, Manager – Hosting and Microsoft Services
APT Information Technology Consultants
7540 Windsor Drive; STE 204
Allentown, PA  18195
Phone: 610-366-1100 –or- 888-2-GET-APT


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